Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Can Yogurt Cause Stomach Pain

City ideal

After writing the post on the benefits of living in the South
, I started to think, with some insistence, to the things that I miss them instead of other places where I lived.

Di Modena S. I miss my friend, the cuisine of Emilia, the fact of feeling in Europe and to reach several other cities in a few hours, dinners with my friends M. and A.
I miss the beauty of Rome, the theater in many different ways, plazas and fountains, friends, and art throughout the University, I really miss the university.
the small town where I was born in Lucan I miss my mother, my home, tranquility and above all the carefree.
My ideal city's theaters and the eternal beauty of Rome, the centrality of Modena, the carelessness of my childhood Lucan, the sea and the climate of Salento.
Above all, though, my ideal city is populated by all the people I love. There are my mother, my brother and his family, my friend S. and my V. friend, my friends M. and A, all other friends whom I left a little piece of my heart, even if we now hear only via e-mail or telephone. In my ideal city can unite all the people I love around one large table, and cook for them, whenever I get the urge. In my ideal city I can go get a drink with my friend S. and make a cake with vanilla for my friend V. In my ideal city my daughter can play with his cousins \u200b\u200bin a real room, not on skype, and can touch them, hug them and make a snack together at least four or five times a week.

If this city does not exist, it's nice we can think and make it live in my imagination.
Hands up who does not have his utopian ideal city!


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