Thursday, December 23, 2010

Major Excess Gas Problem

Happy Holidays! ...

Welcome back!

Normally I do not do much infected by the Christmas atmosphere ...

But I felt bad finish the year with a post that is Cialis, Viagra PENIS Enlarger and ...

Therefore I address to all my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We are in 2011.

- Vonetzel

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Heat Pump Thermostats

Viagra or Cialis Penis-Enlarger ??...

Welcome back! About

said the Spam we receive in our mail is a nuisance? Sometimes it

Every cloud has a silver lining ...

It is possible that some messages may become unexpectedly useful.

I, for example, because they've finally figured out what I want to give me for Christmas:

'm just torn between "PENIS.ENLARGER" and "VIAGRACIALIS" ...

- Vonetzel

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Can I Connect My External Hard Drive To My Tv

Beautiful Graffiti ...

"No matter what anyone else is bound to me ... because I care about is ... is YOU!" . What

this will mean writing that I photographed this morning on a wall left in the country?

is not the classical dedication of love, but ...

This is where things get complicated in the best style "Soap Opera" !

I interpret it this way: "Even if someone loves me, do not worry ... I just love you!" ...

Any other ideas?

- Vonetzel

Friday, December 17, 2010

Alabama Football Party

Cassano to Milan until 2014 ... Fitness

Cassano-Garrone The dispute has come to an end.

Sampdoria The President of the company, after the serious insults received from the entertainer during a quarrel, had decided to most do not play in their team.

were to no avail Cassano's apology, even willing to drop his salary just to stay at Sampdoria.

These days has come the decision of the arbitration requested by the President Garrone: reintegration with the team since January 1, 2011 but with the salary reduction up to 50% (1.5 million euro).

Milan, Garrone strong desire to not want to keep the playmaker, took advantage and managed to tear him to Sampdoria.

Cassano was thus transferred to AC Milan for free: his contract expires in 2014, with an overlap of about EUR 3 million per season.

early as next January 3 will be available to Mr. Allegri.

- Vonetzel

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Nys Unemployement Forget To File

shoes are no longer losing weight? ...

Welcome back!

Remember the "Fitness Trainers" ?

I spoke some time ago in this post , judging certainly questionable aesthetic point of view.
Mine was a personal opinion, and as such is also questionable.

"De gustibus non est disputandum" ... surely there are those who consider these shoes accessories of great beauty and elegance.
Some people I witnessed their incredible comfort: it seems that the particular shape of the sole allows posture is absolutely correct.
While still in my opinion, take note of the opposing opinions.

heavily ironic tone of my previous post but it was not only due to the fact that I find these shoes ugly: my simple aesthetic judgments is an end in itself and is certainly not the motivation that pushes me to communicate to the world of my Web thought.

There must be other.

In fact what I had left me somewhat perplexed and had encouraged to make the content very easy irony was too much of the promotional spot "Fitness Trainers" .

The message conveyed by the advertising was somewhat questionable, if not laughable: "Losing weight walking"!
I understand that exaggeration is the basis of any advertising campaign ... but impossible to ensure the risk of encroaching on very easily in misleading advertising.
The advertisement, in addition to ensuring exceptional results in terms of weight loss and toning through a simple walk, urged to abandon strenuous sessions in the gym and Resignation food (see the video I attached in previous post).
is called that is, giving just what is the basis of any healthy weight loss process.
A similar message was misleading in this way to affect not only those who had real problems in posture, perhaps risovibili the conformation of these shoes, but also those who struggle every day with the balance, much larger slice of consumers.
That, in economic terms, is much more convenient.

For this reason, I launched my arrows against "Fitness Trainers" and advertising.

Today someone has noticed that something was wrong in that spot: the President of the European consumer protection has in fact ordered the suspension of the spot considering the "Weight Loss Fitness Walking Shoes!" a form of commercial communication misleading. "

" The message attributed to the shoes in question advertised an incredible ability slimming (weight loss walking "," help you lose weight, toning up the silhouette "), conveying thus promises exorbitant and in any event not attributable to the simple use of the footwear in question. .. "

For those who would then investigate, find the full article here.

For everyone else ... if something looks so nice not to seem real, maybe it's not true ...

- Vonetzel

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Scheduled For An Induction Scared

Water Man: Man Fountain ...

Speechless ...

fact ... two words I write.

How is it possible? ...

- Vonetzel

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Magic Shaving Cream Or Powder

Vesuvius and Etna ... Paola and Chiara

Without words ...

- Vonetzel

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Milena Velba Belly Button

HOT! "We loved the same man !"... Outgoing

Paola and Chiara, in a recent interview with the weekly magazine Gente , said they were involved, against their will, in a love triangle.

A man, unbeknownst to them, has attended both.

discover it was clearly a shock to the sisters of Italian music ...

Fortunately, after some misunderstandings, they explain and reconcile.

- Vonetzel

* I'll be away a week: I greet this news with BASIC ...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Funny 50th Birthday Invitation Wording Ideas

Alessandra Amoroso's book: "For me the future is always now" ... In addition to writing reviews

It seems that in this period Alessandra Amoroso is involved in writing his first book.

"For me the future is always now" will be published by Mondadori, and will be available this spring.

is not only a book written by her, to help us will be one of his best friends.

The book raises a lot of curiosity and expectation: it is hoped that the singer, usually reluctant to talk about their private life, providing little more detail about your personality.

- Vonetzel

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

License Plate Frame, Ballet

Robydick now appears even in comic books ??...

Welcome back!

Who attends this blog for some time, certainly know the friend Robydick .

of his friendship, when, alas, only virtual, I do it anyway ... so proud as I am glad to read his comments to the nonsense I write.

Although our acquaintances will be reduced to fill the spaces of a cool website, I know him more than enough to attest all my esteem.

His love of cinema than any obstacle: a daily good Roby sees two films and reviewed them in his blog.
Only recently, after reaching a personal goal decided to "rest" and confined to a film per day.

work, fatigue, the obligations arising from a large family like hers, the little free time ... nothing can dent the determination that puts staff in performing its mission.

Being a lazy by nature, knower of all but an expert in anything, I can only admire people like Robyn, who have strong passions, passions with capital "P" ... if we are nice and funny like him , impossible not to love him.

Well, over this "harping" I felt, however, have to do as a necessary preamble to what I'm about to say, we are the reason for this post. Unlike the good

Roby, I'm not a great lover of cinema, however, are completely omnivorous and cannibalistic in the field of comics.
always buy and read it all without any special preferences ...

While I was dedicating this to my innocent and childish form of escapism, I could not help but think of our friend.

Or rather ... it is he who has been noted ...

Look at the following photos: there seems to be a perfect implementation of our Disneyana Robydick?

I knew of his great love for movies, but I never imagined that even the Disney designers are inspired by him! We have a friend


helluva guy!

- Vonetzel

Thursday, August 19, 2010

We Talkin About Practice Quote

Cessione del Quinto

The assignment of the fifth , regulated by Decree Law No. 180/50, is the most common formula for loan i lavoratori e rientra nella categoria dei finanziamenti garantiti, quindi del "prestito non finalizzato" all'acquisto di un servizio o bene specifico. Non viene, infatti, richiesta alcuna informazione sulla destinazione del finanziamento. E' indirizzato a varie classi di lavoratori e a diverse tipologie di contratto:

* dipendenti statali

* dipendenti pubblici

* dipendenti aziende private

* ditte individuali

* autonomi (con modello Unico)

* atipici

* tempo indeterminato

* tempo determinato (con durata del prestito non superiore a quella del contratto di lavoro)

* apprendistato o formazione

* INPDAP retired or SCUBA (the law "2005 Budget").

The convenience of these loans lies in being able to enjoy without having to open a bank account to transfer of the fifth firm is, in fact, through monthly payments, fixed rate for the entire duration of the depreciation (up to 120 months) and which can not exceed one fifth of net salary or pension. These rates include any and all incidental costs and insurance.

Their payments are made direct deduction from their pay be implemented by the employer, who assumes responsibility for the payment to the funding body and that, once established the premises, he must ad accogliere la richiesta del dipendente.

Per accedere alla cessione del quinto è indispensabile che il richiedente abbia maturato un'anzianità lavorativa minima da 6 a 12 mesi; si dovrà inoltre fornire il certificato di stipendio alla banca d'appoggio, unitamente alla copia dell'ultima busta paga.

Per abbattere l'eventuale rischio d'insolvenza, il richiedente mette a disposizione il proprio TFR e, una volta dato il proprio consenso al finanziamento, il debitore non potrà più annullare il pagamento.

La cessione del quinto può essere concessa anche a cattivi pagatori, pignorati o protestati, in quanto la garanzia del rimborso spetta al datore di lavoro, che si impegna a trattenere l’importo the rate and deposit it directly to your lender. The loan guarantee lies only in the stability of the employment contract: the installment is paid as long as there's a paycheck (or board) on which charge you, do not expect other additional safeguards, such as mortgages, guarantors or sureties. E 'instead of the conclusion of a mandatory insurance that would protect the bank from possible risks (job loss or death of the debtor).

The bank or finance company pays the agreed amount through a bank draft payable to the applicant, or pouring it directly on the current account or by bank transfer. The delivery amount is very fast: an employee public or a large company can get an advance in less than 24 hours. It should be noted that the sale of the fifth is not convenient for the low figures, in which the APR tends to be higher.

The law provides that the loans with sale of the fifth, on request of the applicant, may have a lapse, the recovery of interest not yet due, or before the effective date, obtaining a new loan, or a renegotiated higher amount.

Navigo Découverte Cdg

Mastopexy with its fat, breast shaping

Per chi intende correggere la forma del proprio seno, rimodellarlo, o rialzare una mammella scesa esiste la possibilità di effettuare una mastopessi con il proprio grasso. Questa tecnica di trasferimento autologo è chiamata lipostruttura o lipofilling .

L'intervento consiste nel prelevare grasso tramite liposuzione dall' addome, dalle cosce o dai glutei per poi "innestarlo" sul seno per scolpirlo. Non ci sarà quindi bisogno di protesi e tutto avviene in maniera naturale visto che nessun corpo estraneo sarà presente nel nostro corpo.
Ovviamente non tutte le donne sono pazienti ideali e possono ricorrere a questa tecnica: se sono magre, se non are accumulations of fat are not good donors and so you can not perform the liposuction.

The operation of mastopexy with your fat lasts slightly more 'than classical because it is still a double procedure. All 'the surgeon will start what is a real liposuction, also improves the waist or hips. Through stainless steel cannulas excess fat is aspirated, then processed and purified from the blood and is injected through another type of tube to be modeled on the breast.

The advantages of autologous mastopexy:
-no use Denture
-you can 'shape at the same time the abdomen and perform a breast lift
-there will be no risk of the problem of capsular contracture, which occurs with hearing

-part of the injected fat may be reabsorbed over time
-you can not reshape the breasts with a very large volume of price-empty
mastopexy with own fat than the traditional technique

As I said though it is a final action during the time the patient may have a resorption of the fat, which is why surgeons usually inject more 'fat due during the operation.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Diabetic Retinopathy More Condition_symptoms

Leasing Immobiliare

The lease, which is based on the classic forms of leasing, is dedicated to the purchase, construction or renovation of a building, ie a well more complex instrumental factors.

The function of this tool is to allow the use of a property, tend in the long term without having to buy it, but with the right of redemption at the end of the contract (terms already agreed upon at the inception ).

Without mobilizing part of their funds, the firm-tenant may therefore have produced expensive, paying the agreed fees (often indexed) to the leasing company that provides to buy or to build the buildings required to meet the needs of the customer.

Real estate leasing, aimed at enterprise companies, traders, professionals, self employed and not least the public administration, finance 100% of the investment, otherwise the mortgage finance available on the market only 50% of property value.

In addition, while currently the loans tend to have a maximum duration of 10 years, the contract of lease may also reach up to 20 years and beyond.
leasing commercial real estate only for residential purposes

Recently, the lease has been extended to private recipients with the words "real estate leasing residential second home", to which individuals can access, with the advantage of lower costs notarial - Data from the absence of a mortgage (but in this loan).

The lease can be distinguished in two categories for real estate leasing
* *

built for real estate leasing building

In the first case the institute lender buys the property chosen by the customer, ceded in leasing the same user in the second case will purchase the site where the building will be built (again on the instructions of the client), managing the entire construction phase to the delivery of the property. The institute

lender will take care of every technical / administrative staff, for example, town planning and feasibility. While the user will assume all costs and risks associated with maintenance and use of the object.
The lease has the same general benefits of the lease (which we presented in the introductory section), including the tax deductibility of the entire canon, in a period equal to half the time of depreciation.

the expiry of the contract, you can choose how to proceed from these options:

buy property with right of redemption, set at an attractive price

extend / renew the lease back the property used


For 'insurance additionally, for the duration of the lease, the amount of each monthly fee, and all the details of the financial plan - or chose to choose from - you should contact the conventions of its subsidiary bank, which will check all of the requirements and feasibility of the operation.

Once you have established a positive result, the bank will request the notary (user selected) for the contract of sale.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Does Any One Have A Poptropica Account

Contratto di Mutuo

The Civil Code (art. 1813) defines a mutual agreement "by which one party transfers to another a certain amount of money or other fungible things, and the other is obligated to Return used many things of the same kind and quality ". In fact, neither this article nor the following outline precisely this tiopologia funding.
It is a protracted loan money to maturity with which the beneficiary is obliged to return to regular shares of the capital borrowed by the addition of interest.

industrial companies make use of the loan to cope with continued investment in utility, as a machine or a building. Generally, the release of the money does not follow but before the investment bank grants the loan once in possession of documents confirming the purchase of the property. Since the duration of funding is particularly extensive, the institution that grants it almost always requires appropriate safeguards, che possono essere:
* ipoteche su immobili;

* fideiussioni o avalli;

* delegazioni tributarie;

* privilegi speciali,

* oltre naturalmente al diritto di rivalsa sul bene acquistato (nel caso degli impianti) in caso di insolvenza. Quasi sempre il valore delle garanzie supera l'ammontare del mutuo agevolato.

Nella pratica si danno diverse alternative per la restituzione del finanziamento. Il piano di ammortamento può prevedere:
a) la facoltà di rimborso in ogni momento o in momenti prestabiliti;

b) la restituzione accelerata nei primi anni, oppure - al contrario - una dilazione iniziale e l'inizio del rimborso dopo un certo numero years;
c) the rate of reimbursement constant or decreasing, the latter not followed in practice. Each installment consists of one share and a capital interest. In the case of constant rate, the share capital is increasing, while interest remains high to low.
In the case of decreasing rate, the principal amount of each installment is constant and the interest amount is decreasing (because they are calculated on the outstanding principal to be repaid in each period).
The cost of the loan is the interest rate implicit in the cry of depreciation plus a commission to be paid to the credit institution in the event of early termination. Beyond that are paid by the company that enters into the loan the cost of a spese di assicurazione che la banca abbia sostenuto in relazione ai beni offerti in garanzia.

Sotto forma di mutui vengono erogati molteplici finanziamenti agevolati derivanti da inziative di legge tese a favorire determinati investimenti, comparti economici o zone geografiche.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Vintage John Deere Snowmobiles Parts

Prestiti Personali

Il prestito personale è un finanziamento non finalizzato all’acquisto di uno specifico bene o servizio: il cliente ottiene direttamente dalla banca o dalla finanziaria la disponibilità di una somma con cui, successivamente, potrà affrontare qualsiasi acquisto tipo di spesa familiare.
* Possono essere richiesti da tutti (dipendenti, autonomi, pensionati).

* Reimbursement by RID or postal bulletins can not involve the employer.

* Normally you do not have to justify the use of the sum.
* The interest rate is higher for the greater risk and fewer guarantees.

* Evaluation criteria are more stringent in order to contain the highest risk. *

not normally be funded bad payers, seized or protest.

purpose loans The loan is aimed instead a loan, usually at a dealer of goods and services (cars, appliances, travel, etc..) To defer the purchase price and the amount, unlike the personal loans, is paid directly to the seller who agrees to investigate the practice and send it to the budget which will consider the request.
* may be required by all (employees, self-employed, pensioners).

* The interest rate is usually lower a loan being finalized.

* is usually easier to get through the evaluation criteria less strict. *
not normally be funded bad payers, seized or protest.

* The amount granted is required to cover the price of the goods or services purchased.
Assignment of salary
The sale of the fifth is a loan has not been finalized guaranteed by the TFR and the cumulative insurance mandatory, it provides automatic payments through direct payroll deduction.

* E 'can grant amounts and durations greater than those normally granted for personal loans.

* Interest rate more favorable owing to the increased security.

* Can also be granted to people who have had protests, defaults or late payments.

* E 'can more easily accommodate requests for funding for private employees (remember that for civil servants, the employer is obliged to grant the request). *
involves the involvement of employer must issue the approval (and reimbursement, in fact, takes place through direct payroll deduction).

* Can only be requested by the employee.