Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Emily Osment Lesbian?


January 30, 1972. 13 people die in the shots fired by British soldiers in Derry, a city of Northern Ireland, during a protest for civil rights.

History of Ireland North is troubled and rooted in the semi-colonial domination of Ireland by the English crown. But the Irish people, proud people, is emancipated in the early 20, forming independent and sovereign nation. The counties that formed the island united under the banner of the national tricolor, white, green and orange, but 4 counties remained under British occupation.

The current Northern Ireland, with the cities of Derry and Belfast, is still British territory and in the 60 and 70, the political battle to bring together these areas to the motherland was bloody and provocoò several deaths. British soldiers on the one hand, Protestants, and members of the IRA (Irish Republican Army), Irish and other Catholics. The idea they no longer want "colonies" in Europe and the idea of \u200b\u200bself-determination, together with republican sentiments, animating the Catholics of Northern Ireland and urged them to take to the streets to clamor for an Ireland free and united . That

January 30, 26 unarmed demonstrators were shot in the street during an unauthorized demonstration, by British paratroopers in an attempt to disperse the crowd. 13 people died, among them many children just seventeen. That day, the past memory as Bloody Sunday, Bloody Sunday, was a shock to all of the Irish population and provoked a strong emotional wave which resulted in a boom in requests for recruitment into the ranks of the IRA, che conduceva una lotta armata contro gli inglesi.

Nonostante all'Irlanda del Nord sia stata concessa autonomia, le tensioni permangono ancora oggi tra irlandesi cattolici e figli di immigrati inglesi protestanti nelle contee del nord-irlanda. Nel ricordo dei 13 martiri dell'indipendenza irlandese, e nel nome dei nobili ideali che animarono quella lotta, oggi i giovani identitari italiani ricordano il Bloody Sunday, al grido di Tiocfaidh ár lá! (verrà il nostro giorno in gaelico)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mill Puppy And Blood In Stool

A way to remember Professor Fury in Varese

L'idea di una via o una piazza per ricordare il grande professore e studioso varesino d'adozione Salvatore Furia è in giro da un po' di tempo nell'amministrazione of our city, but even if they have not done anything. Today Stefano Clerici, provincial councilor and president of the Young Italy Varese launched the proposal entitled the road leading to the astronomical center of Campo de 'Fiori to the late professor, indeed it was he who founded the center that made him famous and Varese its mountain, and is therefore the best solution.

Fury, former president of the WWF Lombard, the Friends of the sacred mountain of the "upper room of dialect poets Varese and Varese, founded the citadel of science of the Campo dei Fiori in 1956, created the Natural Park of Campo dei Fiori and was one of the first to desire the restoration of the sacred mountain funicular.

Clerici lead to the next city council the proposed naming of the street, hoping to be accepted and implemented implemented quickly, with bipartisan approval without controversy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Wire Ge Motion Sensor Switch

Why live in the South should

On the number of
this month there is an article titled
Welcome to the South, like the famous movie with
Claudio Bisio, the piece talks about how, now, there is also a kind of emigration on the contrary, from north to south, and not just of people who return to their place of origin after a period in another city. Indeed, there are several entrepreneurs who move north in the South to come up with a job. But
perché? Contrariamente a quanto si sente spesso dire, vivere al Sud sotto molti aspetti conviene, per tutta una serie di ragioni. Il mio Sud è il Salento e non ci sono nata. Ci sono venuta dopo aver vissuto in altri posti, dal Sud, al Centro al Nord. Non credo che tutto il Sud sia uguale, io quindi parlerò solo dei vantaggi di quello in cui ho scelto di abitare.
1. Il clima mite quasi tutto l'anno ci permette di vivere all'aperto, di fare lunghe passeggiate sul lungomare anche a gennaio, di portare i bambini a giocare fuori casa più o meno 12 mesi su 12. 2. Il prezzo delle abitazioni ci permette di avere una casa di proprietà anche se non siamo particolarmente rich. In a country where I live (22,000 inhabitants), for example, you can buy an apartment in about 1000 € per square meter and I talk about central areas.
3. The cost of living in general lower than in the North, allows us to live well with less, to go and eat pizza more often, to get out more often with friends, going to the hairdresser without too much guilt and so on .
4. The biological is more at hand than in many other parts of Italy. Of course we must look a bit 'but when you are getting the trust of your greengrocer, purchase high quality products to a euro per kilo and eat healthier. And if you buy a pound you can get boxes instead of Save up to 50%. But what do you do with a crate of oranges from 5 pounds? Make it in half with your father, with your best friend or simply your neighbor.
4. We live in a place where others are on vacation and this allows us to more easily detach from work, thoughts, from everyday problems. We just take a car, a few kilometers to reach one of the many wonderful places around us to feel a little bit on vacation. All this, as I see it, resulting in a higher quality of life. That's why I came to the conclusion that living in the South, I repeat this in the South, I agree. Or at least should for my needs.
And the inefficiency? There is no downtime? And unemployment?
Yes, and there is high unemployment, but many are those who invent a task and there they live, also fine.

But what about the poor service, honestly I have not seen many, but not more than in other places where I lived. Here are a few examples, I have a pediatrician efficient, well-trained, and my daughter who attends a nursery better than this I can not imagine, I have an enviable precision of a carpenter who asks me the right, for the work he does .. . and the list could be still long.
And you? Experience in the South or the North? What are the things you like the place where you live? And those which can not stand?

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My motherhood in Salento. The South is running
The country dream for my daughter

Ecology: As I became more environmentally friendly without too many sacrifices

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Body Waxing Louisville Ky

Sport: what should make the children? The biscuit biting

In recent days, to write this
article, I studied the guidelines of the World Health on the amount of physical activity recommended for good health. The document divides the population, and therefore the advice in three main groups: 1) 5 to 17 years, 2) 18 to 65 years, and 3) over 65 years.

Summarising the recommendations, the World Health Organization says that when it comes to physical activity, should be considered in addition to the sport itself, including gaming, recreation activities at school and in the family modes of transport (ie if you have the habit of moving on foot or by bicycle), physical education and all that is done during the day. Consequently, in view of all activities, to promote bone and muscle development, cardiovascular health and to prevent all those diseases that doctors call "non-communicable diseases (NCD English, short for
Non Communicable Diseases
), namely diabetes, hypertension, cancer and even depression and anxiety, our children, from five years of age, should 1) practice at least an hour a day of physical activity moderate to intense efforts to go beyond the time (that is the very least an hour, better two), 2) do aerobic exercise at least three times a week.
Why I found this information interesting? Because I knew that the movement is important for children's health, as well as to those in adults, but I had no idea of \u200b\u200bthe minimum that should make it. Now I know.
Personally, I fear a little sedentary lifestyle to which we are all now used to and the attachment that our children have a television and computer for an active life, along with proper nutrition, helps to grow healthy.

Personally, I do some 'hard to keep my daughter away from TV and curb the whims from "I want something good," which means "I want a food too rich in sugar."
And you? Your children prefer active games or cartoons? What do you like to eat?

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simple snack cakes

creative use of toys
Nutrition and children: to avoid the excesses during the holidays

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jon Boat Conversion Ideas

Bishop against our soldiers died. SHAME!

The Alpine Matteo Miotto re laying in peace, his memory has not. The Italian survives a dilemma, a dilemma is not new, even less so compelling: it is not a hero or a hero?

Individually, this time the bishop of Miotto to raise the issue. The figure was Thiene G, the diocese is that of Padua. And the spiritual leadership of this diocese has caused uproar with God's decision not to hold private funerals of the fallen, li mitandosi a inviare una lette ra di cordoglio. «La diocesi era rappresentata», ha spiega to monsignor Antonio Mat tiazzo ai giornalisti locali. E forse poteva fermarsi lì. Inve ce ha tenuto ad un’aggiunta molto chiara: «Certo sono di spiaciuto che il giovane sia morto. Ma andiamoci piano con l’esaltazione retorica. Non facciamone degli eroi. Quelle non sono missioni di pace. Vanno lì con le armi, dunque il significato è un altro, non dobbiamo dimenti­carlo...».

Sua eccellenza, indubbiamen te, solleva polvere con una presa di posizione piuttosto ideologica. Ai cristiani qua lunque, che si mettono in co da dietro a una bara, importa poco che dentro ci sia un eroe. Purtroppo c’è un ragazzo,che comunque ha lasciato la vita in circostanze molto partico lari, servendo una bandiera e una Patria, regalando scritti toccanti nel segno di un’idea. Sembrerebbe naturale che da vanti al corteo funebre, nel l’ultimo giorno, ci sia il suo ve scovo. In questo caso, il suo ve scovo non ritiene degna la cir costanza. Prende le distanze. Certo monsignor Mattiazzo ha mille ragioni quando vuo le sottrarsi al coro retorico. Troppo spesso l’enfasi patriot tica e militaresca sovrasta im pietosamente il lutto vero. Normale e forse pure dovero so che il religioso si neghi al rito profano dei superlativi epici. Ma nella sua posizione avrebbe un’opportunità uni ca: salire sul pulpito per indi rizzare le esequie in prima per sona, celebrandole secondo la its view of de fe, in the proper way. Instead the soldier

Miotto is a bishop who decides to avoid the rhetoric of dodge. With all due respect, difficult to understand. You can not share. But there's more. Monsignor Mattiazzo me also express its disagreement with the whole nature of the shipment tion Italian, siding openly: we're not going to bring peace, let's go to war.

Back to resurface the vexed and unresolved issue. The bishop addresses the king and in the most uncompromising line: where we know, no weapons, there guerra.Una Chie knows evangelical and spiritual in the strict sense can not accept in any case, the re-use of force. This noble respectable and ideal location. But things in the fields year, I am terribly more complicated. There are times and circumstances that require the strength to defend the defenseless. The Church herself, years ago, he agreed with the military intervention to stop the horrors in Kosovo. And certainly not to say if anything would be in the well in different parts of the world, oggigior no, some soldiers in more than f endesse Christians pursued you by satraps and regimes, from hatred and intolerance.
are the speeches of all time. Since its birth, the Church is known stars interpretation of the message. It was worthy witness the same San Fran Francis, that even among its divisions will come from very rough: first apply the rigid ion z literal and the Gospel, which even suggests val'assenza of cathedrals and mo nasteri, rules and hierarchical church, the other a more historicized and more realistic about, then open structures, rules and institutions. The centuries pass, but we are always the starting point. The weapons ever, the weapons some of the time. But even the bishop of Padua, in his rush pacifist, denying a real TY clear: everything we think of our soldiers, not that they are around the world to unleash tensions, violence, injustice and sopru you. If an item on this poor nation in tional collects the unanimous admiration, this is undoubtedly the human approach and fair, peaceful and moderate for our shipments.

lord, let it be said with the ta tut humility appropriate: continue to believe in its absolute ideals and defend its intransigent positions, but try to split them between the imperscrutabi political strategies and the role of our military. Perhaps re thinking about it, the funeral of the Mat teo Miotto will appear as a big opportunity lost. She was in the condition it to sweep away the rhetoric and simply recognizing the importance of death. It was not necessary to call him a hero. Only letters that Matthew has left written, a good bishop would certainly mind found the words to the ping as a boy ge Neros, clean, idealistic. A righteous man. More than a hero.

da "Il Giornale".

Cystic Fibrosis Effect Race

daughter is eating breakfast, apprentice while mom frantically typing on his laptop because he has to deliver two papers by now.
- Mom, mammaaa, mammaaaaaaaaaaaa - What? - Mama, help me bite the cookie!
Apprentice mom stops and asks you to type, but how far can the imagination of a child almost treenne?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Special Blend Lrg Centennial Jacket

Mom, do you love me even if I do a tantrum?

In one of his many outbursts of affection ...

- Mama I love you. - Mom, but you love me even when I do the naughty?
- Yes, darling, I love you regardless from what you do. I love you and nothing else. It means that I love you even when, for example, combines a mess or are capricious.
- But then I can always

- Well, in short, it would be better not. The fad is not a good thing, although I still love you. See, for example, if you make a fuss, I can not stop loving you, but maybe I exaggerate if I become angry or sad.
- Sorry, Mom, I'm so sorry.
- What?
- From time to do a tantrum!
But as children, less than three years, to be so deep?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Waking Up Feeling Dizzy And Spinning


Sono passati 42 anni da quando Jan Palach si diede fuoco a Praga, 42 anni da quel gesto che sconvolse persino i governanti comunisti della Cecoslovacchia, che mai si sarebbero aspettati un gesto del genere.
Jan, un ragazzo di soli 21 anni, stanco dell'oppressione sovietica del suo popolo, e di tutti i popoli dell'est, si cosparse di benzina e decise di compiere il gesto estremo dandosi fuoco con un accendino, davanti a centinaia di persone esterefatte, che ammiravano quel giovane divenuto una torcia umana. Soccorso e portato in ospedale rimase 3 giorni in uno stato di lucida agonia prima di morire. Era il 19 Gennaio 1969.

Il suo gesto doveva scuotere the conscience of the world, a world that, as a song well describes, was "aloof sitting on the edge of the pit, without raising his voice in the face of Soviet repression in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia .. The reformist movement known as the "Prague Spring" had just been repressed by the powers of the Soviet Warsaw Pact, Europe and in the general silence of our own party, and Jan, along with other students, decided to make a symbolic act of which required the more precious than a human being could give, their lives. The notes written by Jan COMn the explanation of the gesture were found not far from the place of the attempted suicide, including these words

Because our people are on the verge of despair and resignation, we decided to express our protest and shake the conscience of the people. Our group is made up of volunteers, ready to blow for our cause. Since I had the privilege of extracting the number 1, it is my right to write the first letter and be the first Human Torch. We demand the abolition of censorship and prohibition of Zpravy [3]. If our demands are not fulfilled within five days, January 21, 1969, and if our people will not give sufficient support to those requests, with an unlimited general strike and a new torch s'infiammerà

We remember the sacrifice Jan's why kids today are aware of the true values, know that while we give importance to things silly and ephemeral as a dress, we were young in the name of an Idea, gave their lives doing extreme measures, and have done what to avoid, paradoxically, that others might follow them. Jan Palach died making a highly symbolic act, and the memory of his body on fire must be for us a source of light and inspiration so that we can strive for a better world, for high ideals, for a fleeting vision of life free from constraints.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Normal Heart Rate For An 87 Year Old Woman

One Hundred Thousand and no ... Precautions

Welcome back!

The image you see posted at the beginning is taken from the Home page of the Italian Post Office and the services offered in Business and Public Administration.

It 'a site that I know very well for some time because I use some convenient online services to avoid the usual queues at the counters and perform some operations.

used to looking for just what I need, I never dwelled on the homepage nor I had bothered her images of great attention.

Today, however, looking better than the distinguished Lord of the picture, I had the distinct feeling of knowing him.
Certainly not in person, mind you ... but it was a face seen you somewhere.

question why the strange familiar, I came to a startling conclusion.

Remember the distinguished Prof. Soriani, a distinguished mathematician and author of the system "make money online now" of which I spoke some time ago ?

here is a picture ...
What can I say? The resemblance is truly remarkable ... to the point of suggesting that it is the same person ...

.. But that makes us Post's site?

I tried to write a Reply to this disturbing question makes no assumptions:

a) Prof Soriani is a famous mathematician: he designed the system to become rich without doing anything terribly and has generously donated to humanity without asking anything in return. Sabin
A Novel of Modern Economics. Thanks to him
generations of fancazzisti were able to achieve success and financial independence, of course without making a caxxo.
All this has made him a legend, a superstar.
That's why the most important companies and enterprises if dispute and pay him handsomely to have him as a testimonial.
And so did the Italian Post Office, which places it proudly at home.

b) Prof Syrians that we know does not exist.
Since we consider a process (and objectively it is), never had the courage to show but it has always served as an attractive substitute.
His stand-in official Alain, porn star next to the Belgian pension.
contacted by emissaries of Syrians on the set of one of his latest film "AU COURS DE LA TOPA", released in Italian under the title "OVER THE TOPA," he decided to hang l'oiseau career and opt for a life less stressful.
years lends his image to the so attractive scholar.

c) Prof. Soriani, does not have stunt doubles but has a twin. These
, envious of his famous brother and plagued by mediocrity, often taking advantage of the similarity to steal the scene.
pretends to be the distinguished mathematician and uses her name, earning substantial fees and enjoying a moment of undeserved popularity.
E 'is easily recognizable because it is very careful to look and dress always looks better than his brother ... childish form of revenge against him.
And he is shown on the homepage of the Italian Post Office: jacket, tie, pink and blue eyeglass trend clearly betray him.
Prof. Soriani is not so frivolous ...

d) Or ... or there is no Prof Soriani and there are hundred thousand! There is

Soriani Engineer ...

Soriani There is a retired ...

There is a brilliant Soriani Team Manager ...

And finally there is also the Syrians with a sore belly ...

Well ...

Soriani ... but who caxxo six ??...

- Vonetzel

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Color Curtains With Blue Walls

pyrotechnic ... The Chimney


The message is correct, God forbid ...

But there was an easier way to say it?

- Vonetzel

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Connective Tissue Disorders Spine

Floriano ..

Welcome back!

begin 2011 with a regret.

Regret too late to have seen this flyer craft timidly posted a basket for the collection of waste.

There'll explain why.

Some time ago my parents had the need to clean the chimney, not knowing where to go, after a quick search on the Yellow Pages have decided to contact a company.

As so often happens these days, the company in question, besides having a name which seem to be exotic and in possession of important secrets and patents to carry out this delicate task, he was overworked.

They promised that they would still come before the holidays to do an "inspection".

And as often happens these days, repeated after a series of resounding drums, became evident only in the new year. My

, rightly, had contacted other companies because they were now left with these gentlemen in question, nor had the intention to undergo another series of packages from someone else.

After a quick inspection, the company we will call for convenience "SUPERTOPMEGAYEAH!" has finally put to work.

On this occasion, I went to my parents' house to check the progress of work.

They arrived in three: a few words, have put a sort of nurse coat, gloves, a porter, they got a ton of equipment and went on the roof.
I went with them, I made them climb onto the roof and I started to observe their work.

chief, easily recognizable (he had the most beautiful gown), she mumbled something to colleagues: one of them pulled out a pistol and he sort of stuck in the chimney.
The other looked on.
Ho cominciato a sentire uno strano suono, che pulsava a cadenza intermittente.

Incuriosito, ho domandato che cosa stessero facendo: il capo, quasi seccato, mi ha risposto che inserivano la sonda supertrendy per verificare il biscottaggio della papurzia.

Non avendoci capito un caxxo, ho deciso di non fare ulteriori domande.

Un'Equipe della NASA, che comunicava in linguaggio cifrato, stava lavorando sul tetto di casa...era meglio non disturbarli.

Dopo qualche minuto, hanno cominciato a fare sul serio: hanno indossato degli occhialini fantascientifici ed hanno infilato nel camino uno strano cavo che emanava una luce rossastra.
Uno di loro è sceso in casa, ha tirato fuori una specie di aspirapolvere e si è messo al lavoro dentro il camino.

Poco dopo sono scesi gli altri due ceffi.

Il capo della spedizione,quasi sollevato per il buon esito della difficile missione, si è finalmente lasciato andare ad un sorriso.

Mentre si toglieva la divisa, mi ha domandato con fare molto professionale: "Era molto che non veniva effettuata la pulizia, vero?".
Gli ho risposto che i miei usano raramente il camino, e che quindi l'ultima pulizia era stata fatta parecchio tempo addietro.

Mio padre nel frattempo aveva abbandonato le sue consuete letture e mi aveva raggiunto per pagare.
Ovviamente, un'azienda che si avvale di strumenti fantascientifici, non può che richiedere compensation ASTRONOMICAL!

As my father, as often happens in these cases, but does not discuss pay without blinking an eye, the head of the workers, happy to see that we were not called the police to report the robbery just undergone, has suddenly become friendly and talkative. Sunken

the stolen goods, has begun to give an infinite series of guidelines to preserve the quality and operation of the flue: "It 's very important that the jib does not pale in conjunction with the spaturnia Pappafico postponed the ... can be dangerous if it becomes oval due to golassa ... we must be able to provide for the right moment when the sfagiola Scatigna wandering ... and in any case la paparnia è sotto controllo quando l'ellissi non collima con il controfiocco...".

Mentre lo ascoltavamo esterefatti, io, senza farmi notare, cercavo con la mano il pulsante segreto nascosto sotto il tavolo della cucina...quello collegato direttamente alla Squadra Ricoveri Coatti...

Ma non ce ne fu bisogno: dopo questa entusiasmante dimostrazione di competenza e professionalità, i tre operai della rinomata Supertopmegayeah! sono finalmente usciti dalle nostre vite.

Mio padre, con il torpore tipico di chi si è appena svegliato dopo uno strano sogno, mi ha subito chiesto: "Ma tu capivi quello che diceva quel pazzo?...Io non ho capito assolutamente niente!".

And I: "Do not worry, Dad ... next time I already know who to call!" ...

- Vonetzel