Monday, February 28, 2011

Quadriderm Nfpara Que Sirve

Abi: portabilità limite competitivo per le banche

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decreased quickly banks in Italy to ensure families and SMEs the opportunity to transfer their mortgage to another institution, taking advantage of the portability of loans (also known as subrogation). to speak in this sense was the president of ABI, Giuseppe Mussari. To delete this option would mean the banks to limit their competitiveness on the market, given that customers should contact a only those institutions that make possible the surrogate instead. Mussari. by

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Mutui Casa, Calo del 6% a gennaio 2011 e Novità In Friuli

Meanwhile, there are news in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

In order to reinvigorate the real estate financial market, the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia has approved the signing of an agreement with Mediocredito, through which the regional institution will act as guarantor to private citizens who wish to take - under certain condizioni – l'accensione di un mutuo per la prima casa.

La convenzione va ad aggiungersi ad un altro accordo che la Regione sottoscrisse nel 2022, proprio al fine di supportare l'esistenza di agevolazioni per la prima casa che potessero rispondere all'esigenza di un più facile accesso al credito da parte delle famiglie del Friuli.

Stando alla nuova intesa, la Regione interverrà come garante nelle operazioni di mutuo, integrando la già presente e obbligatoria garanzia ipotecaria di primo grado in favore dell'istituto di credito che sta erogando la linea di credito.

In tal modo, rientrando tale garanzia in quelle aggiuntive, il mutuatario potrà divenire titolare di un finanziamento per oltre 80% of the market value of the property, provided they do not exceed € 212,500. The facility can be combined with other formulas bonus.


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Another Italian mourning in afghanistan. Kudos to Massimo Ranzani. JOHN BLIN

The list of our fallen soldiers in Afghanistan will be long. This morning, a crude bomb exploded damaging a half our "Lynx" and killing Lt. Massimo Ranzani, 37, of Ferrara, the Italian soldiers and wounding four others on board the vehicle.
We can think about how our mission, we discuss the validity of the mission, we can talk about concepts of Freedom, Democracy, Peace and War. But beyond all, has to reflect a given.
The convoy was part of the vehicle which hit the Lynx today was a convoy of aid to the population. Lieutenant Ranzani returning from a village in the province of Shindad, where our soldiers were per portare assistenza sanitaria e medica alla gente del posto.
L'esercito italiano sa benissimo che la prima cosa da fare quando si va in territori difficili è aiutare la gente, per impedire che gli insorti possano trovare terreno fertile per la loro propaganda, e per dare una speranza a uomini donne e bambini che, altrimenti, non vedrebbero medici per mesi, se non per anni.
A turno i nostri soldati girano i villaggi e piantano una tenda ospedale dove poter curare i bambini, somministrare medicine e effettuare visite mediche.

Il Tenete Ranzani stava tornando da una di queste missioni, e qualche terrorista vigliacco ha fatto esplodere un ordigno uccidendo il nostro connazionale.

Ci uniamo al cordoglio della famiglia Ranzani, and remember our soldiers who died to bring a bit 'of peace in those places martyred, as a man who died for high ideals and great spirit of sacrifice.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Mutui: i dati sul mercato italiano

Tecnocasa Second, the

loans granted for purchases of property
more and more. The percentage of
Italy in the third quarter of last year,

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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"I decided to do something and groped my little to oppose the dominant way of life ... I wanted to create a youth center where he is truly trying to live the true values, a kind of alternative to the island dominant life ... "

are the words of John Blini listed on the flyer distributed in the conference dedicated to him by the children of the Youth Community, the place for over 20 years accepts the reality of youth bustocco created to respond to a sense of loss of an invisible generation, that at the time, followed by two others who continue the path. On stage at the foyer of the Museum of Textiles speakers took turns seven, seven friends, seven different points of view among them that they told Blini telling.

John Blini, Lonato, died at the age of 24 on 1 October 1990 upon returning from a trip to southern Italy with two friends, of whom only one survived. The youth center, originally housed in a court house in the city center (and now dead Carpi), was born less than a year before and had gone on that trip to recount the experience of boys of similar age to Bust in Sicily. For open

The conference, entitled "John Blini: a life, a history, a common good," Serena Maggioni was a young president of Community Youth, together with Stefano Gussoni its predecessor. So many vivid images described by speakers from different life experiences and common. Luca Pesenti, professor of sociology at Catholic University, has praised the courage of the times pragmatic and forward pointing out that John had been "among the first to understand that we must think differently than the founders of the Italian post-fascist right are often only in words, but were made alcunei cultural passages that no one had the courage to start: the anti-imperialism, environmentalism, anti-racism. "

"John Blini could jump the fences of ideologies, this thing surprised me because it was not a widespread view in the right age" - has instead stressed the responsibility of drafting the bustocco Prealpina, Sylvester Pascarella. John had created a group of people who had the courage to dare not to think more in terms of communism and fascism. Checco Lattuada, current city councilor of the PDL, shared with him the experience to guide youth community for several years and was a member of the Youth Front is to meet during the years of high school: 'It was he who carried forward the of the Italian right and Gianfranco Fini - Lattuada wanted to emphasize-it is thanks to people like him, Alemanno, Rampelli. More attached to his religion's intervention Massimo Crespi, one of the founders of the Community Youth and close friend of John: "At sixteen, I wrote in a letter in which he encouraged me to seek God in a time of family difficulties - remember the ' friends read the content - remember that I was surprised by the use of words accurately. It was not a letter from a boy of sixteen, was something more. " Fabrizio Crivello, then militant Roman of the Youth Front, wanted to emphasize the large study that characterized the 90s with the right hand of Alain de Benoist. Magni

Lele, who has approached Blini and his worldview from that of Ultras Pro Patria, told a series of anecdotes of real life, real closely with his action: "I proposed to present a picture of Che Guevara to mark the position of anti-imperialist youth community and he, after a long debate, complied. A few days later came a lady who came from the nearby section of the MSI, I remember that I almost fainted to see the icon of Che at the site of the Community Youth between the general laughter. " Henry Salomone, finally, stressed the great innovative exuberance that had crossed, then, the group around John Blini but also stressed that, as in any event that changes your life, "is a founder and in those years was John Blini». A conclusione del pomeriggio e degli interventi, Stefano Gussoni, come un po' tutti i relatori, ha sottolineato quanto sia importante ancor di più oggi «partire subito con la Fondazione Blini che ha a disposizione un capitale economico che può essere investito in capitale umano - ha detto in chiusura Gussoni - non lamentiamoci poi del fatto che non ci sono soldi per i giovani».

Da Varese news, 27-02-2011

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La Giovane Italia, movimento giovanile del Popolo della Libertà, venerdì sera è andata in sala consiliare a Marnate "per fare un piccolo gesto simbolico contro l'arroganza delle associazioni e partiti che si opponevano a via Giorgio Almirante, ovviamente ci è was denied by the police prompted by some city councilors.

"That night" the statement sent to local newspapers "was the meeting of the YOUNG ITALY VALLE OLONA, there were 25 guys who felt insulted and amazed by the shower of insults that had rained down on the late head of the Italian right and then to all those who were a part. We knew that there would be the board that night and decided to do something, a small gesture to show that someone is tired of the climate of hatred built to art in Italy. Built by those who absolutely needs to have some 'monsters' to be fought in order to demonstrate the importance of its existence. "

Young Italy has so prepared a leaflet with written words: "Giorgio Almirante: an Italian model" with a flag waving on the side, "and we decided to send the city council only 3 guys, so that a sample of democracy felt threatened by the presence numerically much higher than that in the papers the day they flutter their historical contempt for the Secretary of the MSI. "

"Upon entering the assembly room (an assembly room that cleared advisors, counselors, journalists and police had announced that as all the people who are rebelling against the decision to Via Almirante, that is to be magnanimous could be counted on fingers hands) some diligent Council was concerned of what was happening (ie nothing) and moved quickly to activate the police, who called us out of the classroom. Among ridiculous excuses by the monitor and advise 'paternal' accompanied by phrases like '... if not easily identifiable and forces us to act ...' the police, there came a little 'laugh and a bit' of anger: to laugh in the issue outstanding, the opposition has no other arguments to give him a mayor than that of place-names, the anger instead thinking that we are in 2011 and the tension that these gentlemen to the left would have us live is really bad and threw it back over the years of hatred without serious motives and ideals, but only for the power hungry that they have. In our history
territories and citizens have actually ousted from their administrative posts giving a specific assessment of their policy efforts and their continuing with the old story of prehistoric hunting fascist (which does not exist today) not only confirms this assessment! "

"These gentlemen - said a provincial leader of the Young Italy - are arrogant and cynical, yesterday have exploited an important religious symbol to carry on a battle that has very little political value. I, Sabba, I know the importance for the Jewish people of their symbols, for this made me sort this exploitation. "

The Blitz Italy ends with Young the invitation to the Mayor Celestino Cerana and the whole council "to consider well the democratic values \u200b\u200bof the critical, because the voices that were raised are those of people who 'underlie prate of democracy and freedom' in one sense." Also want to congratulate the Government and the PDL marnatese "for a well governed country that the only major controversy that raises is the name of a street ..."

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Mutui prima casa Regione Sardegna

has planned a series of soft loans
confidential purchase, rehabilitation or construction of a building intended to house first. Funding is provided equally to citizens who apply within the territorial limits without limitations.

For first home loans Sardinia is a reduction of bank rate of interest for 26 twice a year to twenty-five and thirty-year mortgages for the 20 half-year and fifteen-twenty years

mortgages for 14 or twice a year to ten-year loans . Income are calculated on the basis of the reductions: 50% for annual incomes up to € 24,465, 30% for annual incomes exceeding € 24,465 and up to € 40,775. The program provides discounts of 50% for applicants with annual incomes exceeding € 24,465 and recovery work with recovery and purchase of property located in areas classified as "A" by the local planning instrument. Finally the rate of 50% for recipients of annual income up to € 40,775 for first home mortgages entered into by young couples. In order to make a request of Sardinia

soft loan, for 'young couple' is considered a married couple who have no more than three years preceding the application submitted to the Region, or intend to marry within a year from the date of application. The provides financing the provision of a loan with a maximum of 120 000 € by one of the affiliated institutions: Banco di Sardegna, Banca di Sassari, Sardinia Credit Bank, Bank UGF at a rate not exceeding 80% of the total eligible expenditure. This roof can reach 100% in case of collateral provided by the borrower. Information and details at the official website of Sardinia

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Mutui agevolati Regione Sicilia

The soft loans are formulas access to credit to support real estate investment generally soft loans are covered by a regional guarantee fund earmarked for initiatives such as loans for young couples or mortgages for employed workers with atypical contracts. For subsidized loans the benefits of the underwriters may be of different nature: rate, flexible interest rates cheaper than the market average rates locked, custom amortization schedules, options for the protection of the loan installment or block the 'access to guarantee funds allocated at regional level. addition, the new formulas provide access to soft loan amounts equal to 100% of the market value of properties, well above the 80% threshold generally paid by lenders. The soft loans
may also be included for operations that are not only buying a property for a primary residence, but such funding in support of maintenance and renovation. Typically, soft loans granted by banks for restructuring at subsidized rates with varying amounts based on the intervention schedule. For those interested in learning initiatives in support of families and subsidized loans
Sicily, on the official website of the Region Microcredit through the link you can access news on projects that support families. addition, for areas affected by the earthquake of Messina, is forecasting an agreement with the institute SanPaolo for providing soft loans for to fund operations for seismic retrofitting of buildings to condominiums and businesses.

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And now Libya. WHO AGREES? One way to

To understand what is happening in Tripoli must first consider the strategic framework. We are not addressed in the face of spontaneous, but induced aiming to replicate what happened in North Africa in the late eighties in the former Soviet Union. Even then, the revolt started from a small Country, Lithuania, and at first no one imagined that the fire could spread to neighboring countries and it was even conceivable that the USSR would implode. The Maghreb is not the Soviet Union and there is no superstructure to blow up, but otherwise the similarities are obvious. Tunisia is the smallest of the countries of the region and served as a catalyst for the other times. A wheel fell on the Mubarak regime, Libya is in turmoil, Iran and maybe tomorrow, maybe on the wave, Algeria, Morocco, Syria. What had in common schemes Tunisian, Libyan and Egyptian? Being ruled by authoritarian leaders, now old, discredited, they thought of spending power in children or inept loyalists.

It is no secret: the riots were widely encouraged - and in many ways prepared - by the U.S. government. For some time, Washington believed the inevitable explosion of popular discontent and fearing it will lead the revolt could be extremists or Islamic extremist groups, has made what looks like a controlled explosion, at least in Egypt and Tunisia. Why is it controlled? Because before you embarrass Ben Ali and Mubarak, the Obama administration has cemented the already rock-solid relationship with the armies, which in fact never lost control of the situation and were the architects of the revolution. Do not Forget it: oggi al Cairo e a Tunisi comandano i generali, che anche in futuro eserciteranno un’influenza decisiva. Washington ha vinto due volte: si è assicurata per molti anni a venire la fedeltà di questi due Paesi e ha messo a segno una straordinaria operazione di immagine, dimostrando al mondo intero che l’America è dalla parte del popolo e della democrazia anche in regimi fino a ieri amici.

Le dinamiche libiche sono diverse perché Gheddafi non era un alleato degli Stati Uniti e perché le Ong legate al governo americano non hanno potuto stabilire contatti e legami con la società civile libica; insomma, non hanno potuto fertilizzare il terreno sul quale far germogliare la rivolta. Che però è esplosa lo stesso. Per contagio e alimentando non la fedeltà dell’esercito, ma il suo malcontento. Come in tutte le rivoluzioni sono le forze armate a determinare l’esito delle rivolte popolari. Gheddafi in queste ore paga gli errori commessi in passato. Come ha rilevato Domenico Quirico sulla Stampa, il Colonnello, da vecchio golpista qual’era, non si è mai fidato dei generali e ha proceduto a numerose purghe. Gli uomini in divisa per 42 anni lo hanno temuto, ma non lo hanno mai davvero amato. Così ora molti di loro o si danno alla fuga o passano con i rivoltosi soprattutto nelle città lontane da Tripoli. Gheddafi può contare solo sulle milizie private e su una piccola parte dell’esercito; è questa la ragione di una mossa altrimenti inspiegabile come to recruit hundreds or perhaps thousands of African militiamen.

The consequence is inevitable: blood, blood and more blood. The impression is that Qaddafi will ultimately be forced to flee. The image, ridiculous, to raise in a car with an umbrella is reminiscent of Saddam Hussein being hunted by the Americans in the days of the fall of Baghdad. In any case, the situation could be very embarrassing for Italy. If the regime falls, Libya would again be the port of departure for our coastline for tens of thousands of immigrants. If you were to stand, it would be embarrassing for us to maintain good relations with a bloodthirsty leader. And in both cases dance contracts for millionaires our companies. Eni in the head. Let us not forget: Most of our energy supply depends on its own from North Africa. The explosion "controlled" is likely to be, however, devastating to the interests of our country.

We have no choice and Italy certainly can not influence events, but the question is inevitable: the price is right?

Di Marcello Foa, 02/22/2011

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Mutui sempre più a tasso fisso, è il tramonto del variabile?

more fixed-rate mortgages, is the setting of the variable?
We have moved, in fact, by a rate of 29.7% of applications registered last month, to 41.1% of the current month, which also still lacks analysis of closure had not yet concluded.

The situation is fairly clear: the fixed-rate mortgages are coming to represent the option preferred by consumers. Especially the families, in fact, go in search of safety due to a constant rate and a depreciation plan remains unchanged from month to month. Moreover these are the months of recovery, it is true, but many families are still times of difficulty or have been 'burned' by the economic crisis and now are looking for certainty, particularly in a context 'risky' such as financing.

E 'then the sunset of the absolute variable rate? Of course, the scenario is not what a few months ago, when the variable option was not only the most convenient level of monthly Euribor and then (still is), but also preferred by customers seeking substantially immediate savings.

Today, with the stabilization of economic and financial flows Italians seem less willing to 'risk' with a variable rate such as that - the estimates are known - is destined for a slow and steady growth in Euribor, with the same index that is expected to reach the 'normal' 3 percentage points at the turn of the 2014 and 2015.

If today, then, the floating rate is still the cheapest, within two years the rate could levitate in an important way. It is up to customer choice: save now and 'suffer' a bit 'more later, or vice versa set aside only a few euro in the coming years.


Fotos De Mulheres Nuas

Three years

Com’ero io a tre anni? Ho solo qualche ricordo confuso, ma so per certo di essere stata felice. Avevo un papà divertente e una mamma rigorosa; due nonne , una all’antica e una moderna; un’amica del cuore; forse anche un gatto. Ero ancora figlia unica, dormivo in camera con i miei genitori, avevo una Barbie , una bicicletta con le rotelle, qualche altro gioco. La mia principessa preferita era Biancaneve e adoravo le favole che mi raccontava mia nonna (quella all’antica), accanto al fuoco. Three years is the time of my life when the memories begin, as if I had been born three years. My best friend at the time, for example, has been my only true friend for many years and still today, although there almost never see because we live in two different and distant places, I often think of her. I think our games, our adventures, we had a special way of relating and looking at the world.
A few days ago my daughter three years (previously three years). What do you remember this age wonderful? How will discover the world, the friendship, really?

just woke up, as we prepare to leave, often playing to invent a story. This morning I said:

- Mama, I want to invent a story about a boy who went out alone without mom and dad without

- And where did he go?

- The world

This reply surprised me. He did not say, as I know, went to play, went to the beach or going to kindergarten. He went around the world. A child who was in the world.

Like you, honey: a three year your real journey into the world, but there you go alone, or at least not yet, you will lead us, hand, your mom and your dad . I really hope that your stay is happy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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ALMIRANTE Marne and ridiculous anti-fascism in 2000 against all logic

Long time no see. Never more so has been confirmed that the exit of the "Anti-Fascist Committee" of Busto Arsizio.
Apart from that you do not understand why these organizations still exist in 2011, but still not feel the need to feel exclaim the rubbish that the members of this committee.

rubbish. Only rubbish can be defined as the words spoken in a statement sent to varesenews about the proposal from the City Council Marnate to dedicate a street to Giorgio Almirante, the historic leader of the MSI. As rubbish are the words spoken by a minority counselor at a height of PD Marnate that even has visited Almirante written statements about the wartime fascist and racist ideas, not knowing that these statements were set out and shared by members of the center, as I do, or mouth.

Probably the Anti-Fascist Committee, which defined the idea of \u200b\u200bthe City Council "an offense alla storia", mostra di capirne ben poco di storia, nonchè di politica. Almirante è stato un leader carismatico, buono e onesto, e di certo, al sentire le parole di questi antifascisti del 2000 si sarebbe fatto delle grasse risate.

Non possiamo che esprimere compassione per questi novelli partigiani dell'era moderna, che dimostrano con i fatti di essere ancora legati a vecchie ideologie e vecchi modi di pensare, figli di un pensiero che ha dimostrato tutto il suo orrore in ogni parte del mondo, Italia compresa, e che dovrebbe essere stato superato nel 1989, con la caduta del muro.

Si Sveglino lor signori. Berlino è di nuovo unita, e la DDR non esiste più. Adesso la Germania è una sola, ve ne siete accorti?? And Italy is struggling to make peace with its history, despite a few old fogies who still attempt to fuel hatred and permanent distinction between "democracy" and "fascism", that is, everything that is not democratic (Of course the concept of democracy is a bit 'in this context misrepresented ....)

Via Almirante will, with greetings to old and stale these associations, which seem to live in a state of permanent coma (like the protagonist of the film Good-bye Lenin), or in a dream, indeed, a nightmare of red dress.

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cuddles in the shower

One of the things that has most changed in my life after having children is the time of the shower (or bath). Before I could spend an hour soaking, now enter the bath has become a luxury for the shower and I always counted the minutes and, usually, even a child who, from behind the door, screaming " mother mammaaaaaaaaa, MAMMAAAAAAAAA . " The few times that I can carve out the right space, I like to cuddle in the shower and it relaxes me and makes me feel very good. I'm not one who spends a great deal in products for the care of your body, but there are some things that are indispensable: a pair of bubble bath or shower gel very fragrant bath salts, sponge some nice, almond oil sweet.
When I was asked to try the bubble bath of Palmolive to write this piece, a couple I knew them already. Now that I've tested all the products in line with those of Aromatherapy Thermal line, I must say that it is very difficult to choose, they are all fragrant, colorful and extremely appealing. Here's what I think each of them.
Morning Tonic (the green), with essential oils of tangerine and lemongrass extract is my favorite because I love the Aromatherapy line of fragrances of citrus and sparkling: I bring joy. I used it this morning and I would have been at least a quarter of an hour more in the shower if I had not had a fever for three years, screaming the usual "Mom, mammaaaaaaaaa, MAMMAAAAAAAAA."

Absolute relaxation (the purple one), with essential oil of ylang ylang and iris extracts, has a very sweet fragrance. I do not know if I got influenced by the name who gave Palmolive, but to me it seems ideal for a relaxing bath in the evening, with some candles lit around the tub (yes, maybe, maybe once ... but now ... what I'd like to though!).
Sensual ( the red one), with rose essential oil and extract of ginseng in Morocco, has a persistent and intense fragrance that makes you want to make it two in the shower. Perhaps in this case I'll be made conditional by the name and color of the wrapper, but to me just what came to mind.
Mineral Massage with Dead Sea salt and extract of aloe vera, is my favorite line because Thermal contains many grains with a mild exfoliating effect. When I had time I was a fanatic of scrubs, but now that I'm always in a rush I do not do more but I like the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to exfoliate in the shower. I tried and I must say that the feeling is really nice.
Thermal Fresh with seaweed extract and mineral baths, shower gel is a very delicate, even smell, and has become the favorite apprentice dad. Finally, there
Nourishing (the yellow), with essential oil of almond and vanilla essence, which leaves the skin soft and smooth.
With all these products, my bathroom seems to have become a center Wellness and I must say that I do not mind at all.
Daughter professional, when he saw all the shower gel on the floor of the sink, went crazy with curiosity and, after opening each package and sniffed, he exclaimed:

  • Mom I want to make the bath:

  • Okay, Come on, pick one though! each drop of bubble bath.
  • At this point, however, I had a curiosity with which criterion to choose the bubble bath? Do you like me are attracted by the fragrance or other features that look?

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Impatience treenne

- Mom, after three years how many years you have? - Four
- Mom, I have four years!
Honey, do not be impatient, you did three years just two days ago ...

Kates Playground Account

Mutuo casa 100%: quali Garanzie, chi lo Offre

is not true that a loan can cover only 80% of the cost of a house. There are, in fact, where we offer a 100% home loan by specialized financial institutions. And you're all set and planned by the Bank of Italy. Le Considerazioni Fondamentali
Un Mutuo Casa al 100% costituisce un bell'impegno sia per il cliente che per la Banca che lo emette: quest'ultima si espone ad un rischio accentuato per cui è pronta a richiedere al cliente

garanzie precise e approfondite analisi della sua situazione patrimoniale e della solvibilità. Un mutuo Casa al 100% richiederà un maggior impegno ad "assicurare" alla Banca il rimborso del prestito, per cui i premi delle

polizze assicurative

customer demands grow proportionally with the amount of the loan.

Risks and Safeguards
Institutes organized by the granting of Home Mortgage 100% know how to face the greatest risks to cover the total cost of the property. L '
mortgage is a prerequisite for its issuance, as well as fire and explosion insurance for sickness and accident insurance and dedicated to the beneficiary of the loan. But not all. Since banks offer regular coverage of 80%, the additional 20% offered by the specialized agencies is bound to further polizza assicurativa che va a coprire proprio tale "eccedenza". Tecnicamente il cliente può scegliere se intestarsi e pagare personalmente tale polizza oppure farla accendere dall'Istituti che recupererà la spesa proponendo uno Spread più alto.

Durata del Mutuo
Un mutuo Casa al 100% implica anche un allungamento della durata d un piano di ammortamento.
Se, classicamente è possibile attestarsi intorno ai 25/30anni, in tali casi si arriva facilmente anche ai 40 anni in considerazione del fatto che la rata massima che un cliente può fronteggiare non supera il 30% del suo reddito mensile.
Chi li offre

Here, finally, to turn to assess the provision of a home loan 100%.
Among the major banks Intesa Sanpaolo mention his Domus line, while the group provides solutions through its Credem CreaCasa Company. Among the smaller schools instead, we report Veneto Banca, which has offered "Mutual transgressive", and Banca Popolare di Bari

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Chronicle of a ordinary

February 22, 2011 - Yes, it is today.
- Daddy, daddy, papààààààààààààààààààà? Today is my birthday. It is the compleannooooooooo

Hours 7:10
All three on the couch to discard the gifts: a book, two boxes of crayons, a circle ...
knocking on the grandmother's room A., came to visit us for the Birthday
- Nonnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Regaloooooooo
All 4 on the couch unwrapped gifts: two suits and a dress.
- What eleganteeeeeeee, this suit is to put the birthday.

9.00 am After passing in the bakery to take the cake from baker U. and having filled the car with balloons, we all go to kindergarten ... Upon arrival, fellow seekers, and open the door, along with teachers, shouting "MANY AUGURIIII!" and start jumping and dancing. Apprentice mother holds the tears fatigue (that there have become a sentimental), and professional child seems frightened, but then plunges into the fray.

Apprentice mom goes to get a professional daughter who does not want to go home because "today, Mom, it's too funny."
at 14.00
- Mother when it comes to people, when the children arrive, when the party starts?
- Later on, baby, now help me to hang the balloons ...
We connect on skype and make a videofesta with
Aunt M. and cousins.

- Zia, today is my birthday! Zia looks like they are great! Zia, look at my dress ... eleganteeeeee
- Today is my Birthday!
Jumping, whistling, throwing balloons, dolls on the floor, dolls for air, parcels and packets around, rosettes on the floor, laughing, shouting, three candles off the cake, the head of Hello Kitty sugar in the mouth of the celebrated jumping and the body that is bitten by her friend C. Instead, frenzy, fun ...
End of the party.
- Mom, my birthday was great.
- Honey, it was great for me too.

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third birthday cake with pink Hello Kitty

Here is the cake with pink Hello Kitty
I made for the third professional daughter's birthday. Not even remotely resembles those of the pastry

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baumritter End Tables

Mutui agevolati Regione Lazio

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New Lazio soft loans will be allocated to people with incomes up to gross income of € 47 thousand a year and provide a sustainable mortgage fees. This type of measure was launched in 2004 with the regional call 355, but never finalized, as explained vice president Esterino Montino, since it was a 'special program of public housing for rent and banks, while the contribution from part of the Region due to a lower interest rate, not to disburse funds to farmers or cooperatives because they could not turn on the mortgage on the property. It all stopped in front of this barrier '.
The call now includes 4,500 new permanent homes for rent, 10,500 properties in subsidized housing in Rome, and 6,000 apartments in Lazio. With the new measure in support of the Regione Lazio
soft loan is integrated option for tenants

ransom, but in case of failure to purchase the properties will be bought by the Region through the Ater. The region, therefore, provides a form of collateral for banks and for the tenants themselves, who are the first tenants and potential Buyers: With this mechanism you can access to a fund of 500 million euro. by

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Note from the National Board of Young Italy

express our greater satisfaction with the choice of the Council of Ministers to establish the date of March 17 as a day to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Eventually overcomes all divisional logic, to honor those who have chosen to rebuild unity of Italy and is now ideally transfer the baton to us. Also express our special gratitude to the Minister and national president of the youth organization, Giorgia Meloni, who has fought most of all to celebrate this holiday, and expressed in the Council of Ministers, the voice of a generation. Returning to the beautiful words of Benigni, we hope that this is only the first step to feel every day more and more Italians.
deny the value of the Risorgimento as the glue of our cultural awareness and identity of our luggage is misplaced and out of time, and that's why the controversy over the economic loss for a feast day, it sounded truly instrumental. You can reduce the memory to a question of balance?
prefer that one day the world economy stops, it locks the rhetoric about the lack of productivity, which will eliminate all attempts to bring out Lega equipment of all kinds and of every kind and there are questions about what is now the deep sense of belonging, the value of national identity in a globalized and secularized time, and how to pass on the example of those crazy teens Italians to come.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Left and right are concepts that are asserted with parliamentary democracy as the best locations, or "seats" ... Over the centuries, efforts are made to fill the chairs of meaning: the quota (on a specific choice) philosophical, social or sociological , international, even anthropological ...

With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the bipolar world, the community "intellectual" (those who read, write and then re-read) considered more or less correctly that the categories hitherto taken for granted no longer had the role, raison d'etre, legality or usefulness ... The problem is that this elite of thinkers and writers is almost nothing for the vast majority of Europeans and Westerners - if the law - something that has already digested the law ten times, trivialized, popularized and generally stale. Thus, the analysis of political scientists and political scientists are right in theory but - as often happens - the reality (which is the thing that remains the same regardless of our desires) do not take any notes and goes on his way by ignoring them.

Fukuyama After all become liberals ... With Wojtyla, at some point, all Catholics are rediscovering ... With Huntington being rediscovered all patriotic ... and trying to break up each of these groups in their box. The attempt to define new categories or clivadges remained pure as sterile academic exercise.

in the Vulgate, "right" and "left" continue to survive and make the masters nell'irreversibile simplification of political news.

The problem arises at this point: survive the boxes and boxes are so huge, cumbersome and opaque almost all the people he sees only the outside. It starts then to give new content in bulk containers, each improvising in his own way. Politicians seek to actualize long-running traditions, the new ones and rampant screaming their platitudes to appropriate stories and coats that do not belong to him. Intellectual ambitions that have changed or patrons - or simply have reached a vein or have had a fight with old friends - redefining the categories scaled sartorially around themselves. Occur as "attacks", "commingling", "transformation," "treason," "contamination" and that several other quotation marks - incialtronite promptly by newspapers (who does his job to distribute to the players in the world and then trivialize pills , blend and crush everything into a pimp tasteless spices and season with strong flavors to pretend to know something) - even more confused ideas and roles, characters and stories.

one that is committed to preserving the boxes are left-handed as bobbiani Marco Revelli (which is almost obsessed with the task of preserving the meanings of right and left). The left is obviously the best equipped to handle the war of meanings: it is overwhelming in the academic, media, journalism, publishing and even in advertising, arts and entertainment ... So is holding the blackboard and chalk to make continuous the list of good and bad. And they are always good ...

But the game has stopped working since, surely, is the next entry in crisis because no building facade and container without content. Veltroni gave the coup de grace, but it was all his fault. The logic of creating a reality that it contained everything that was engaging and positive relationship with the label "left", as an alternative to everything that was odious and reprehensible - even within each of us, so as to throw him out and exorcise - labeled as "right", could not work forever.

It worked until the next win - more than being right because people like to be a winner - but first defeat began to crumble. Of course, survives the apparatus, the cliques, controls and controllers, but the identification was and the automatic consent has been finally passed.

In accordance with the laws of physics and politics - which, both, know no empty spaces - the loss of attractiveness of the category "Left" has given progressively more attractive to the label "right". But like after a tsunami that had swept away all that was considered secularly subverting the meanings of right, the tide has brought to shore intact and very few objects, mostly in the scrap metal and debris.

Like in the movies about shipwrecks, soon appeared on the shore natives with plumed hats, jackets and decorated Sciabolone - or even graceful ball gowns - found in some chest beach.

Like after every natural disaster or social self-respecting, having been all stirred, you are the leader, who is a waiter and a sharecropper who became a landowner and does Leopard. Whether this is good or bad each judge for themselves.

Mao said that if there was "great confusion under heaven" the situation was "excellent." But he was a great leader who wanted to wipe out a subversive millennial empire. To us, the confusion has always given a little discomfort.

Perhaps the right is simply not there anymore. Perhaps there never was. Maybe it's better that way. You can forget the sound, without much regret, if only we were able to give another name to what we are - above all and more - in what they tend to be what we would like.

In the meantime everyone says "right" or - as if to shame - "center", but perhaps they mean different things. Someone says "dude is not right," but then admits "I have never been." Other reinterpret, redefine and rewrite. Someone else, simply do not care, riding the momentum achieved and, if anything, when you say the right will be completely out of fashion, will be defined in any other way, may agree at that time. Hard to believe, but there's people like that ... Especially in politics.

di Marcello De Angelis

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Preventivo mutuo Mps

If you are struggling with the mortgage of the house and are considering the various solutions available to available from MPS

, Monte Paschi di Siena, then the convenient menu available on the official website of the bank will certainly be of help. As part of the mortgage

fact, we publish several formulas proposed by MPS are able to meet the needs of every consumer: Mortgage cash, for example, allows you to get cash from the value of your property, Mortgage replacement is used to replace funding already active with another bank, or Mortgage young couples, available at fixed or variable. In addition, MPS has also thought of workers employed under fixed-term contracts or atypical Mutual on off, on favorable terms or at fixed speed and variable.
To request a mortgage quote
Mps just connect to the official website, select the section and choose the mortgage loan closer to their needs. Clicking on the individual product, please consult the technical details of the financing plan, check the type of rate applicato, le spese e scaricare i fogli informativi. Per il
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sono disponibili, spesso, anche attraverso i canali dei broker che operano online: sulla base dei diversi rapporti di partner ship è possibile confrontare i preventivi mutuo Mps con altri prodotti di diversi istituti attraverso i tools di comparazione gratuiti disponibili online.


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Mutuo 40 anni

I mortgages are 40 years financial solutions proposed by the banks to meet the needs of a consumer group that, faced with a real estate investment, opting for longer-lasting formula to protect a debt repayment is more in line with their spending power. Not all banks offer the range of mortgages to 40 years: in fact, institutions generally offer mortgages

five years, plans 10-year mortgage, loan

15 years, 20 years
to 30 years.
The extension of the repayment plan becomes necessary when there is, however, in situations of income very low or in the case of excessive costs of buildings: especially when the band is represented by single-income young singles or young couples with no initial capital, to assess the need for a longer amortization schedule becomes increasingly the only way to access a real estate financing. Generally

durations no longer than 30 years for plans sponsored mortgage market, but the need for reimbursement solutions 'more comfortable' has prompted several institutions to create product lines with longer life. It 's the case, for example, Unicredit Banca serving a 40 years mortgage, variable rate that is mixed rate, or
Woolwich Bank , a plan that offers adjustable rate mortgage can cover up to 80% of the market value of the property (maximum expected € 200 000). Among the long-term real estate financing solutions including loans 50 years, such as Always light of UBI Banca . The 50 years mortgage UBI is a product variable rate indexed to Euribor 1 month. by

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A simple free tool allows you to set in seconds amount, property value, duration and type of loan: a detailed description appears on the screen with the specification of the amount of the monthly payment in euro, interest rate and percentage of eligibility. With this basic tool for calculating mortgage Post

each user can check and compare the total autonomy in the various financing options, the best conditions and the Italian Post home loans more affordable. For more information, details, to evaluate the different formulas
mortgage Italian Post first home or to see the full range of products offered by Poste, connect to the site selected products in the private banking and follow the link from Mortgages

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Who makes the cake?

Ore 7.00, appena sveglie
- Mamma, che giorno è oggi? - Lunedì - Ma quando è il mio compleanno? - Domani. A proposito, hai deciso come vuoi la torta?
- Gialla e rosa
- Va bene allora facciamo fare una torta gialla per l'asilo e una rosa per casa. - E chi è sto pasticcere? - Una persona che sa fare torte buonissime e ci disegna sopra quello che vuoi tu. - Mamma? Io voglio un disegno di Hello Kitty sulla torta. Però la devi fare tu.
- Ma io non sono brava come il pasticcere U.
- Io voglio only a cake for my mom!


managed to snatch the promise that I will make a cake with pink Hello Kitty to the house and I will buy only the bakery in the asylum. I will not make ever.

I'm going to try ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Prestito Delega

The loan delegation (or delegation of payment ) is another financing guaranteed personal, not for the purchase of a specific good or service. The delegation loan is offered exclusively to employees (state, public or private) with a permanent contract: its structure, in fact, is likely to be matched simultaneously with the sale of the fifth loan or other funding already in progress, with the advantage of reaching a total amount higher than other loans.
To those who fall into this category requires a seniority at least 6 months. Unlike the sale of the fifth, is not given to pensioners. The loan is paid
delegation to a fixed interest rate, repayable by monthly installments by direct deduction from the paycheck. It is calculated based on the employee's net salary means the maximum amount of each share shall not exceed one fifth of the monthly salary.

The facility is that, unlike other personal loans such as employee loans, financing can get to 2 / 5 or even half the salary payroll. These rates include all
any additional costs as for other loans not finalized.
The repayment period of the loan delegation can not exceed ten years. The

delegation of payment named after the recipient's duty to "delegate" to the company, which works for the repayment of its debt, the employer is not required (as in the case of transfer of the fifth ) to accept the request, not having to bear any relationship to the law.

The contract will be concluded with the approval of the head of the company, which will take the responsibility to carry out, on time and regularly, the payment to the funding body. The amount granted will be paid entirely by the lender through bank draft or wire transfer and deposited directly on the current account of the applicant. The payment is done in a short time: from 24 hours to five days from the date of application.

It should be noted that, for this funding as others, may also apply for bad payers or protested.
There is also the possibility to settle the loan in full in advance, thus saving on the amount of interest still due, but the expense of a minimum penalty calculated on the outstanding debt (excluding interest), calculated as 1% LMIT (maximum), at the discretion of the bank. The loan
delegation, in the category of secured lending, the customer does not require special safeguards. The only measure taken is based simply on the presence of the same income or liquidation, compulsory insurance will cover any part of a debt in excess of the accrued severance pay. For the protection of the worker, his family and the bank, the loan will be built two types of insurance policy: a

covers the "employment risk" (dismissals, illness), the other covers the "life risk" (disability permanent and death), costs are already included in the monthly fee to be granted.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Dolcetti coconut

Yesterday, late afternoon, when, after a day of intense work, I went to take my daughter's grandparents, I really want to be a bit 'with her and at the same time to prepare a sweet thing that relaxes me a lot (and I know, everyone can relax as ...). I put together the two requirements and have come out of these cakes, made with what I had in the house (between my desires "relaxing" there was certainly to go to the grocery store ...). The daughter of professional contribution was very important: the first has helped me pour the ingredients into the bowl, then put all the cups on baking tray, he finally tasted a sweet black and one white expressing his expert opinion on confectionery. Here then is the recipe, enough for 50 cupcakes with coconut, the kind you get from the small little cups. Like all my recipes, it is very simple to implement.
100 grams of coconut flour
100 grams of flour 00 grams of sugar 100
75 grams of melted butter 2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons milk 2 tablespoons cocoa (I used what we put milk in the morning)
Place all ingredients (except Cocoa) in a large bowl. Mix with whisk. Half fill small paper cups about 20/25 (the cakes are soaring enough, so do not abound too, I, for example, I put a teaspoon of mixture into paper cups each). Add to mixture remaining two tablespoons of cacao. Riempire il resto dei pirottini.
Infornare a 180 gradi per circa 7/8 minuti. Non esagerare con la cottura, altrimenti i dolcetti potrebbero risultare duri.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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''Ci hanno tacciato di essere facinorosi. Pazzi. Gente che non ha nulla da perdere. Adesso che tutto e' riuscito battono le mani e plaudono ai giovani eroi. In verita', abbiam vissuto fatti che sembrano usciti dalla fantasia di un romanziere. '' Dal Diario di uno dei Mille.

Gioventu' Ribelle e' un programma del Ministero della Gioventu', realizzato in collaborazione con il Comitato per le celebrazioni del 150esimo anniversario dell'Unita' d'Italia, l'Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, Museo Centrale del Risorgimento e numerosi altri bodies and institutions. Youth 'Rebel and' above all a tribute to the generation 150 years ago served as midwife to the dream of united 'country. It 's a project that runs through many initiatives and throughout the entire Italian territory, designed to involve young people today in a fascinating journey into memory, but also full of suggestions to enhance the present.

The Youth 'Rebel officially opens with the great shows that since the inauguration of the Vittoriano in Rome in November 2010, will move' to meet the major cities' Italian. Before returning to the capital in late 2011, enriched by the contributions that come from previous stages. Sara 'an exhibition, Communicating by organizing, which will combine 'the use of new technologies with original antiques, in the wish' to see how the ideas of some of the protagonists of our Risorgimento able to speak to the younger generation today.

Youth 'Rebel and' a guided tour through the places of the unit's memory 'of Italy. A journey by foot, bike or train, along the way to freedom 'in the footsteps of those generous guys and rebels with their faith, sometimes with their blood, raising a nation where there was none before. The project 'in collaboration with the State Railways, AIG - Italian Association of Youth Hostels', Mondadori.

Youth 'Rebel e' la musica di ieri e di oggi. Grandi concerti a cui parteciperanno i piu' importanti artisti italiani di oggi. Ma e' anche l'occasione per riscoprire la musica che faceva palpitare i giovani cuori di 150 anni fa, contribuendo a formare nelle coscienze di allora il sentimento dell'unita' d'Italia. Il progetto e' realizzato in collaborazione con il Ministero della Difesa ed MTV Italia.

Gioventu' Ribelle e' un tour teatrale che attraversera' tutta la penisola per descrivere le gesta dei giovani ribelli, la loro solidarieta', insieme alla bellezza delle citta' da cui provenivano. Un lungo viaggio che grazie ai testi e alla musica popolare rendera' possibile raccontare l'Italia attraverso le patrie diffuse che la compongono e la arricchiscono. The project 'in collaboration with Rsi Group and Moa Festival.

Youth 'Rebel and' a video game to empathize with the boys and girls who made Italy. To learn the historical steps that led to unity 'of the nation. A tool fun and educational at the same time. The most 'popular entertainment among young people at the service of national memory. The project 'in collaboration with the Group of Italian Manufacturers of Video Games Assoknowledge, Confindustria.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Mutui agrari agevolati

agricultural loans I
subsidized agricultural loans
solutions are designed for access to credit for companies, both individual and collective working in agriculture, livestock, farm and agro-industry. Especially the subsidized agricultural loans
agricultural loans or mortgages

agricultural subsidies: the main proposals in the market, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) with the range agricultural loans, Intesa Sanpaolo through the company specializes Agriventure, or with Monte dei Paschi line reserved for companies operating in the agricultural sector. by

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I'm tired and you? The CGIL for women and work

Condividi tramite Wikio

Stamattina, quando mi è stato chiesto di diffondere questo video, ho accettato subito perché mi sono rivista nella protagonista del filmato. Non nascondo che sto scrivendo questo post con una punta di rabbia. Sì: sono arrabbiata. È da qualche tempo che provo questo sentimento, tutte le volte che si parla di occupazione femminile.
In realtà, finché sono stata molto giovane e neolaureata, le cose mi sono andate bene e non ho avuto alcuna difficoltà a trovare un’occupazione, certo precaria, ma in linea con le mie aspirazioni e con le mie competenze. Dal momento in cui ho avuto trent’anni e mi sono sposata, invece, è stato tutto molto più complicato. Il caso ha voluto che perdessi il lavoro qualche mese dopo il matrimonio perché l’azienda con cui working together for four years no longer had the possibility to renew the contract. Since then, the only real prospect for me was the professional and I got thrown headlong.

Unfortunately, my problems are similar to those of a large number of women and indeed I am lucky because in some way, with ups and downs, I found my way and my size. Like many others I have invested heavily in training and professional staff. The work is part of my existence. Without work I do not like me. Without work I can not feel completely myself. If I had my work I could be happy and not happy.
Segnalo so glad the site promoted by the CGIL Lombardia
, hoping that all unions, not only the CGIL, undertake concrete action to support women who work and those who would do it. I also hope that the commitment also covers all other regions, not only in Lombardy, as Italy, all Italy, has urgent need for a new policy for women and female employment. And I also hope that we all, in our small and as far as we can, we will begin to engage a little more, even in first person, for the protection of our right to work and professional dignity. I hope so, especially for the future of my daughter. The movie
che ho pubblicato è la versione ridotta; sul sito
trovate la versione integrale. Il video è firmato dal regista e sceneggiatore Piergiorgio Gay.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Dresden, a senseless slaughter by the victors wanted

Even This year is passed over in silence one of the worst crimes of World War II: the bombing of Dresden on 13 February 1945.
Dresden had never been seriously affected by the war and for its location and because it had no significant industries or military installations (it was even free air defense) and was so strong that the conviction was free from danger that Germany will they did carry the hundreds of thousands of refugees (mostly old men, women and children) fleeing from the eastern regions under the pressure of the Red Army and most of the wounded from the front. It was thought that humanitarian considerations and respect for a city of art popular in the world would have led the Allies to save it.
the destruction of this city came up in February of '45 when the fortunes of war had been marked. It was carnage.
At 22.15 on 13 February over 500 British Lancaster bombers unloaded on the defenseless city block buster terrible cluster bombs. Then he departed in the direction of Strasbourg.
Rescuers began to flow from neighboring cities, while the survivors slowly emerge from their shelters.
was what the British were waiting for: to release people, to get back and rescue workers to strike.
1.28 pm on 14 February arrives, undisturbed as the first, the second wave. But this time the bombers RAF heavy lead in holds 650,000 incendiary bombs loaded with petrol and phosphorus can develop a warmth that melts the iron (the updated version, the infamous napalm bombs, then it will be experienced by Americans in Vietnam). The effect was devastating.
Dresden became an immense fire extended a hundred square kilometers and is visible to more than 300 km away. Inside
develops a temperature of up to 1,000 degrees leading to the formation of an air current upward of unprecedented power and heat. From the houses gutted by cluster bombs is already sucked everything and thrown into the furnace. Who dies engulfed in flames succumbs in shelters, asphyxiated from lack of oxygen or poisoned by carbon monoxide.
dawn on Feb. 14, when the survivors of the peripheral areas of the city it seemed that the worst was over, there came the third wave. The Americans, who could not be outdone by the British, with their "flying fortresses" unloaded what was left of the city and its inhabitants their cargo of death and destruction while hunting "mustang" low-flying machine-gunned the columns of refugees trying to escape from the hell of Dresden.
A total of Dresden were dropped 2,700 tons of bombs, a huge amount, when compared with other cities threw up German. But the preference given to incendiary bombs, which represented approximately 70% of missiles launched, it caused the most appalling tragedy of war: the confirmed deaths were 135,000 (the estimate is most reliable, however, rise to about 200,000 the number of victims to the great influx of refugees, many of whom are not yet registered).
This was Dresden, a horrible massacre of civilians who did not find any justification from the military point of view. It was a macabre record of inhumanity, not even matched by the atomic bombings of Japan that caused "only" 150,000 dead.
The Anglo-Americans even today with astonishing cynicism "justify" the dreadful massacre by saying that "it was an inevitable price to pay for the liberation of Europe and the world from Nazi barbarism" ... ....
In reality it was the desire not to inflict exemplary punishment to the Hitler regime, but the German people and at the same time warn Soviet ally (what is now the turn of Dresden tomorrow could reach Moscow) that animated the order given Churchill and the U.S. fully supported from the ally.
At the Nuremberg trial in the dock would have disfigured the authors and, above all, the instigator of the bombing of Dresden.

of Gianfredo Ruggiero (Source: Excalibur)