Italians are "the blues". No one knows with 150 years of united Italy, we celebrate the 100 years of 'blue' as the national color. Marian iconography is the Savoy dynasty, and he made her a symbol.
writes Luigi Cibrario, history of the monarchy: "the color of heaven, dedicated to Mary is the source of our national color."
all began June 21, 1366. Amedeo VI of Savoy sails from Venice to the Holy Land to the crusade by Pope Urban V and his flagship - next to the flag of Savoy - a blue banner waving ago with a crown of stars all around 'image of the Madonna, to invoke "Holy Mary, Help of Christians."
The blue banner that Mary was taken up by some riders Savoy, in honor to the Blessed Virgin, belted blue scarves on the uniform.
ensued a tradition among the officers ladyfingers. The blue symbols became part of the dynastic and January 10, 1572, by Emanuele Filiberto, the blue scarf became officially part of the uniform. And then of heraldry of the Kingdom of Italy.
seems to have become our official color in sporting competitions, for the first time in Milan, January 6, 1911, for the football match Italy-Hungary then one hundred years ago.
The little history of this symbol suggests that the Catholic tradition permeates the whole Italian history. On the other hand, the Kingdom of Savoy has always been catholic.
With the restoration was the only Italian kingdom, along with the papal state, to abolish the Napoleonic Code, "the Savoy dynasty," writes De Leonardis "had given the Church blessed and boasted five titles of loyalty to Catholicism, which until 1848 were perhaps higher than those of the Bourbons and the Habsburgs, unlike the latter the Savoy kings were not compromised by the Masonic and Enlightenment ideas. "
will be the last King of Italy to finally give the Church the most precious relics, the Shroud.
that the unification of Italy under the Savoy kings - with Cavour - has taken the form of a war against the Church is one of those historical tragedies that probably no one would deliberately.
Suffice to say that the Kingdom of Savoy was proclaimed in his Catholicism as its official religion. And then there's the Catholicism of many patriots (like Pellico), and the fact that Pius IX was an enthusiastic supporter of national unification (due to federal).

Not only when he was elected, with the Motu proprio "Bless, Great God, Italy, when the name of the Pope was called by the Patriots (and erroneously claimed to drag them to the Pope in the war on Austria and hence no break).
Pius IX remained tied to the ideal of Italy forever, even in the midst of the conflict Risorgimento. And that is something almost unknown. Like the catholic
Savoy, the pope also experienced a dramatic inner conflict between duty to defend the Church - which was attacked and robbed by the new state - and his personal sympathy for the national cause.
Germanic Count One day a visit to the Holy Father expressed his indignation for the attack in progress against the Papal State and the Church, and, after listening to him, Pius IX whispered to her: "This German beast does not understand the greatness and beauty of the national Italian" .
there were tragic mistakes on both sides. And certainly the idea of \u200b\u200bunifying Italy by peaceful means and not as a federal perspective, the Pope, but by the military under a single dynasty was also devastating for the south of Italy, where for centuries ruled a legitimate monarchy as the Savoy .
twenty-two years ago, in 1988, when it had not yet emerged, the Northern League, wrote a book denouncing the Risorgimento as a "conquest Piedmont "and - oddly enough - was published by Sugarco Massimo Pini, a publisher very close to Garibaldi Craxi. The book - reissued six years ago under the title "The dictatorship of anti-Catholic" came out when no one questioned the Risorgimento.
Today - on the contrary - has become a fashion, I softly say my "Long live Italy!" And I think we should celebrate March 17.
For Catholics, however, there is something providential in the Italian Risorgimento (also in view of the temporal power of popes, Paul VI as he said), because God can write straight even on the crooked lines of men.
And finally did save the independence, unity and freedom of Italy just to Catholics and the Pope, 18 April 1948, a hundred years to the day of prayer for Italy Pius IX.
Moreover, Catholicism was the only cement the Italians. In fact, what united them in the nineteenth century? The language no. Italiofoni in 1861 were only 2.5 percent of the population, mostly from Tuscany (the same court spoke French Savoy). Even the economy
united them: Sicily was more integrated economically that England to Lombardy and Piedmont to France more than to Sicily.
What united the country were Rome and the Catholic traditions. Tanto è vero che il poema della risorgente nazione italiana fu il poema della Provvidenza, “I promessi sposi” del cattolicissimo Manzoni.
E fu deciso “a tavolino” che la lingua italiana fosse, da allora, quella della Divina Commedia dantesca, cioè il più grande poema mistico e addirittura liturgico della storia della Chiesa.
Perfino il tricolore adottato dai Savoia – nato apparentemente ghibellino – è intriso di tradizione cattolica.
Lo studente bolognese Luigi Zamboni, che col De Rolandis lo concepì nel settembre 1794, nell’entusiastica attesa dell’arrivo napoleonico che avrebbe liberato dal giogo dello Stato pontificio, partì dallo stemma di Bologna, quella croce rossa in campo bianco che viene dalle crociate e dalla Lega lombarda (a cui Bologna appartenne). Al bianco e rosso lui aggiunse “il verde”, che – disse – era “segno della speranza”.
In effetti simboleggiava la speranza nella tradizione cattolica, come virtù teologale, insieme alla fede, che aveva come simbolo il bianco, e alla carità (il rosso).
Non a caso il primo “bianco, rosso e verde” lo troviamo proprio nella Divina Commedia, sono i vestiti delle tre fanciulle che, nel Paradiso terrestre, accompagnano Beatrice e che simboleggiano appunto le virtù teologali (Purg. XXX, 30-33).
The same "eater" Carducci, who was certainly not unaware of Dante, or to Catholic doctrine, in his official speech to mark the first centenary of the birth of Tricolore, Reggio Emilia, gives, to those three colors, just the meaning of the Divine Comedy (faith, hope and love, albeit in a secular sense).
It 'obvious that the Church is intimately tied to this land "where Christ is Roman" and it is clear to the religious mission of Italy (it seems that the word Italy in Hebrew means "island of the dew of God").
But nobody knows that even Madonna has been in person to "consecrate" the tricolor in the important appearance of the April 12, 1947 in Rome, at Tre Fontane, Bruno Cornacchiola (the eater who converted).
was a girl of dazzling beauty and wearing a long white dress with a red sash at the waist and a green cloak.
Cornacchiola handed to an important message for the Holy Father. And then the mystic Maria Valtorta explained that there appeared "dressed in the colors of your country, which are also those of the three theological virtues, virtues and home because they are too unloved, ignored, trampled, and I come to remember, my robe with this unusual, For me, it is necessary to return the love, the virtues and to the country, true love. " He added
that had appeared in Rome as the "seat of the papacy and the pope will have to suffer so much and more, this, and future, for the forces of Hell ever thrown against S. Church. "
He added that he appeared for the terrible threat of "Communism, the most pungent sword stuck in my heart, that makes me fall these tears."
It is "the octopus horrible, satanic poison" that "poisons and squeezes and stretches to make ever new prey," a threat "to the world that grabs and pulls the sinking value: of bodies, souls and nations."
In fact it was 1947. The Red Army was marching up half of Europe, to Trieste. And Italy April 18, 1948 was saved for the commitment of the pope and the Church, which was home to a statesman like De Gasperi, who saved the liberty and well realized the Risorgimento.
Antonio Socci
From "Free", February 13, 2011

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