Despite the weather rather than encouraging the sector of real estate financing, 2011 has opened in a rather negative with regard to the business of mortgage loans by mortgage lenders in the peninsula. Underpinning the above is CRIF, a leading Italian credit information systems, that during the first month of the mortgage loans were on average less than one percentage point higher than those paid in the same period last year . However, the data must be reread on the basis of the weight carried on working days. In other words, as in January this year the days were higher by one to those of 2010, the figure is to be reconsidered with a decline of 6 percentage points. The figure is rather higher than for the same period of 2009 and 2007, while still a drop of two percentage points higher than achieved in 2008.
In order to reinvigorate the real estate financial market, the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia has approved the signing of an agreement with Mediocredito, through which the regional institution will act as guarantor to private citizens who wish to take - under certain condizioni l'accensione di un mutuo per la prima casa.
La convenzione va ad aggiungersi ad un altro accordo che la Regione sottoscrisse nel 2022, proprio al fine di supportare l'esistenza di agevolazioni per la prima casa che potessero rispondere all'esigenza di un più facile accesso al credito da parte delle famiglie del Friuli.
Stando alla nuova intesa, la Regione interverrà come garante nelle operazioni di mutuo, integrando la già presente e obbligatoria garanzia ipotecaria di primo grado in favore dell'istituto di credito che sta erogando la linea di credito.
In tal modo, rientrando tale garanzia in quelle aggiuntive, il mutuatario potrà divenire titolare di un finanziamento per oltre 80% of the market value of the property, provided they do not exceed € 212,500. The facility can be combined with other formulas bonus.
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