Thursday, February 24, 2011

Compare Panasonic Pv-dv953d And Canon Gl-1

ALMIRANTE Marne and ridiculous anti-fascism in 2000 against all logic

Long time no see. Never more so has been confirmed that the exit of the "Anti-Fascist Committee" of Busto Arsizio.
Apart from that you do not understand why these organizations still exist in 2011, but still not feel the need to feel exclaim the rubbish that the members of this committee.

rubbish. Only rubbish can be defined as the words spoken in a statement sent to varesenews about the proposal from the City Council Marnate to dedicate a street to Giorgio Almirante, the historic leader of the MSI. As rubbish are the words spoken by a minority counselor at a height of PD Marnate that even has visited Almirante written statements about the wartime fascist and racist ideas, not knowing that these statements were set out and shared by members of the center, as I do, or mouth.

Probably the Anti-Fascist Committee, which defined the idea of \u200b\u200bthe City Council "an offense alla storia", mostra di capirne ben poco di storia, nonchè di politica. Almirante è stato un leader carismatico, buono e onesto, e di certo, al sentire le parole di questi antifascisti del 2000 si sarebbe fatto delle grasse risate.

Non possiamo che esprimere compassione per questi novelli partigiani dell'era moderna, che dimostrano con i fatti di essere ancora legati a vecchie ideologie e vecchi modi di pensare, figli di un pensiero che ha dimostrato tutto il suo orrore in ogni parte del mondo, Italia compresa, e che dovrebbe essere stato superato nel 1989, con la caduta del muro.

Si Sveglino lor signori. Berlino è di nuovo unita, e la DDR non esiste più. Adesso la Germania è una sola, ve ne siete accorti?? And Italy is struggling to make peace with its history, despite a few old fogies who still attempt to fuel hatred and permanent distinction between "democracy" and "fascism", that is, everything that is not democratic (Of course the concept of democracy is a bit 'in this context misrepresented ....)

Via Almirante will, with greetings to old and stale these associations, which seem to live in a state of permanent coma (like the protagonist of the film Good-bye Lenin), or in a dream, indeed, a nightmare of red dress.


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