Roberto Ricci (aka Berto) (Florence, 1905 - Bir Gandul, 1941) was a writer, poet and Italian journalist. He was one of the most important thinkers of Fascists, founded the magazine The Universal and worked with the School of mystical fascism led by Nicholas Guido Giani and Pallotta. He wrote about "The People of Italy", "Critical fascist" and "The Wild One." It was a personal friend di Indro Montanelli con cui collaborò a L'Universale.
Berto Ricci fu professore di matematica a Prato, Palermo e Firenze. Da giovane ebbe simpatie per l'anarchia ma nel 1927 aderì al fascismo, vedendo nel movimento di Benito Mussolini l'attuazione delle idee sociali e vitaliste che da sempre Ricci aveva coltivato. Nel 1931 fondò la rivista "L'Universale". Non navigò mai particolarmente nell'oro, tanto che in molti - l'aneddoto verrà narrato più volte da Indro Montanelli e Giampiero Mughini - hanno ricordato l'episodio del "banchetto" nuziale composto unicamente di sette cappuccini offerti da Ricci ai pochi convenuti.
Nel panorama culturale degli anni '30 mostrò un particolare attivismo, dialogando or working with people such as Giuseppe Bottai, Julius Evola, Ernesto De Martino, Romano Bilenchi, Ottone Rosai, Camillo Pellizzi. Interested readers of "The Universal" Mussolini convene Ricci Palazzo Venezia in the summer of 1934. The "leader" congratulated the writer and his colleagues, urging them to cooperate with "People of Italy", where they held a book, "Bazar". The positions almost "left" of the "Universal" on the other hand were criticized by Roberto Farinacci, who saw an attack on property rights.
The latest issue of "The Universal" will be released August 25, 1935 on the grounds that the outbreak of Ethiopian War - in which Ricci fight as a volunteer - "is no longer time to print."
In 1940 he participated in the first national convention of the School of Fascist Mysticism arguing that "the mystical fascist proposes to the Party, the Militia, the State organs, institutions of the regime to continue the theme of social unity, dynamic unit that is not limited economic assistance and to improve the conditions of the worker, in short, to practice Demofilo, but focuses on the culture of work, a tendency to a higher morality and with a greater collective performance (Government of production and consumption, the gradual redistribution wealth, land reclamation and autarky, the producer shared and joint responsibility of the company, the worker owner) and for this, as every mystic called upon to work specifically on the history and foundations ergervi durable, it also meets requirements to rational. "
formation of anarchist Ricci always offered his own version of fascism with a strong social footprint and uncompromising against the bourgeoisie (ie the category of the spirit). He became a supporter of "a modern Italian 'to come', the very first condition of our national power" and said "a tradition of our civil, but substantially enriched by ancient Christian and pagan robustly" (The Universal Year II, No. 8-9, Aug. September 1932).
Even in the "years of consensus" never tired of invoking a "perpetual revolution" that those who fought, largely a-fascist-minded or even anti-fascist, had found a place in bringing the scheme, according to Ricci, a bourgeois mentality alien to the spirit of fascist revolution. Or, in the Florentine writer, it was to accompany the fight against "English within" that bet against "the British out." This vision
markedly social and voted to continue the revolution, even in the regime is clearly visible in "Notices" like this:
"As long as the controller will have a tone with rail first-class travelers, and a different tone, slightly different, with those of the third, until the usher ministry will leave the impression like "Commander" and will travel under the nose of the type to "poor devil", saying maybe I'll be back , until the municipal staff will be courteous and indulgentissimo private car, a little 'less than a taxi and almost point with the rabble like us, who dare to go with his feet, until the grace to ask for the documents will be inversely proportional to misery of wearing apparel; and so on and so on, until there will be short of classism in Italy, even if done in shades often insensitive the same subjects for long training generations and until the principal criterion in determining the social hierarchy of individuals will be the money or the appearance of money, according to the usage of the Companies arising from the bourgeois revolution, merchant companies, non-political and anti-war , we say and repeat that there is much to be done to Fascism. Which is not bad then. It's not bad, as long as you know well, " (The Universal 02/10/1935)
Philosophically, put in contrast with Giovanni Gentile, publishing as opposed to the idealism of a Sicilian philosopher" Realist Manifesto "which aroused the interest of Julius Evola, anch'egli impegnato negli stessi anni in una battaglia filosofica anti-idealista.
Ricci partì volontario per la Seconda guerra mondiale. Nel gennaio 1941 scrisse ai genitori: “Ai due ragazzi penso sempre con orgoglio ed entusiasmo. Siamo qui anche per loro, perché questi piccini vivano in un mondo meno ladro; e perché la sia finita con gl'inglesi e coi loro degni fratelli d’oltremare, ma anche con qualche inglese d’Italia”. Verso le 9 di mattina del 2 febbraio 1941, il suo plotone fu attaccato vicino a Bir Gandula, in Libia, da uno Spitfire inglese, che lo falciò di netto. Oggi è sepolto nel Sacrario Militare dei Caduti d'Oltre Mare di Bari con il nome di "Roberto Ricci".
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