On February 10, 1947 was signed at the Paris peace treaty between the victorious powers and the defeats of the Second World War. Italy, by signing the Treaty, the territories ceded to Yugoslavia Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia, Trieste and Gorizia and its hinterland. On that day, hundreds of thousands of Italians who lived in those territories and that they felt on their skin the cruelty of war at the hands of Anglo-Americans first, then the Nazi occupation, and finally the ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav army, suddenly found themselves without a home without a home, strangers in enemy territory.
Since that fateful day, for at least the next ten years, were 350 thousand people left their homes and all their belongings to return to Italy, an Italy by the Adriatic lands that it was gone, and not to bow your head to the arrogance of the communist government of Yugoslavia of Tito, who is guilty of a work of slavicized and ethnic cleansing against the Italians since 1943, which caused at least 15 thousand deaths.
today to 60 years after those tragic events, we remember all those exiles "Italian" twice, by birth and by choice, all the forgotten war by our political class daughter of the resistance and the peace treaties of those wretched years, trampled in the name of power that entire populations and forget our compatriots killed by the soldiers of Titus in barbarism: deported to concentration camps in Slovenia and Croatia, drowned in the sea front Rijeka and Zadar, killed in attacks and reprisals across the Istrian and Dalmatian, but mostly thrown alive into Foibe, hundreds of meters deep cavities in the mountains around Trieste, Friuli and Istria, in which prisoners were thrown from the related wire in groups of ten at a time even after suffering torture and beatings along the route. The soldiers of Titus, powered by the communist ideology that was boiling all the Italian fascists and animated by a Slavic nationalist sentiment that he considered the territory of Slovene Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia as well as Trieste, Gorizia, Monfalcone, relatives of soldiers killed fascists , German soldiers, but only lawyers, professors, priests, doctors, in the name the fight against fascism and the bourgeoisie, eliminating anti-fascist leaders that once the war ended, they could oppose the expansionist project Slavic. In the hills above the city of Trieste is the Cave of Bassovizza, built a national monument, in which, according to best estimates, were laid more than 2,000 people drawn from the city during the 40 days of occupation of Slovenia, in May 1945. During the curfew the Yugoslav secret police, the OZNA, withdrew secretly in the city of Trieste hundreds accused of being fascist Tito's enemies (the same thing happen in Gorizia, thousands of people disappeared into thin air) and then lock them up in prisons of luck and make them disappear nothing. The sun city of Trieste and Gorizia about 20 thousand people were arrested and more than 3000 of these have not had any news.
the region of Trieste was administered by the Allies until 1954, when he finally returned to the city of Trieste to Italy for the happiness that filled the streets celebrating the passage of the first Italian soldiers. But for the territories of Istria and Dalmatia, the situation changed and the cities, villages, the countryside is emptied of all their inhabitants, who decided to embark on a fresh start. A River exodus involved about 90% of the population census in 1939. A 35-Pola about 40 thousand inhabitants there were 4 thousand to 21 thousand on Zara chose to stay in about 3 thousand. Shops and houses were confiscated and given to the Yugoslav emigrants from Slovenia and Croatia. Many found the Istrian and Dalmatian hospitality in Trieste, Udine, Rome, Ancona, Milan and also Busto Arsizio, Varese, and others, about 70 thousand, went abroad, especially in Australia. Our city proved to be the most comfortable in receiving the refugees and giving them houses, but not in Italy was so .. the Bologna train station a train carrying Italian exiles directed towards the south was blocked by rail workers on strike, shouting "Fascists", the port of Venice, the arrival of the remains of Nazario Sauro, Italian patriot who died in World War Pola , is booed by the port workers. The fault was only the exiles want to be Italians, they do not want to live under a communist regime that had killed thousands of people who wanted to erase all traces of Italian Istrian cities, towns and islands of Dalmatia, which for centuries were Venetian first, and then Italian.
The ideological fury that has prevented the exiles and the dead had infoibati recognition, until 2004, when February 10 was declared by law "day of remembrance of the martyrs and the exiles foibe Istria Fiume and Dalmatia.
Throughout the country there will be demonstrations, depositions of wreaths, conferences and meetings organized on the theme in collaboration with the 10Febbraio, institutions and educational institutions. Special attention should be is for the students, because they may know a tragedy that even today, in 2011, is too often opposed and denied by ideological professors who teach the truth rather than historical accuracy, as is their duty.
If you go on holiday in those places today, or on the Croatian coast in Istria, do not be surprised if you hear some old speak Italian, if you see buildings on the walls of the Venetian Lion of St. Mark, if you see signs and monuments of Italian characters. If you go in the city of Pola (Pula), Fiume (Rijeka), Koper (Koper), Ragusa (Dubrovnik), keep in mind you are on a piece of Italy, which for centuries was Italy, where our people have been ripped from their land.

President Leslie Young Italy Varese
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