Dresden, a senseless slaughter by the victors wanted
Even This year is passed over in silence one of the worst crimes of World War II: the bombing of Dresden on 13 February 1945.
Dresden had never been seriously affected by the war and for its location and because it had no significant industries or military installations (it was even free air defense) and was so strong that the conviction was free from danger that Germany will they did carry the hundreds of thousands of refugees (mostly old men, women and children) fleeing from the eastern regions under the pressure of the Red Army and most of the wounded from the front. It was thought that humanitarian considerations and respect for a city of art popular in the world would have led the Allies to save it.
the destruction of this city came up in February of '45 when the fortunes of war had been marked. It was carnage.
At 22.15 on 13 February over 500 British Lancaster bombers unloaded on the defenseless city block buster terrible cluster bombs. Then he departed in the direction of Strasbourg.
Rescuers began to flow from neighboring cities, while the survivors slowly emerge from their shelters.
was what the British were waiting for: to release people, to get back and rescue workers to strike.
1.28 pm on 14 February arrives, undisturbed as the first, the second wave. But this time the bombers RAF heavy lead in holds 650,000 incendiary bombs loaded with petrol and phosphorus can develop a warmth that melts the iron (the updated version, the infamous napalm bombs, then it will be experienced by Americans in Vietnam). The effect was devastating.
Dresden became an immense fire extended a hundred square kilometers and is visible to more than 300 km away. Inside
develops a temperature of up to 1,000 degrees leading to the formation of an air current upward of unprecedented power and heat. From the houses gutted by cluster bombs is already sucked everything and thrown into the furnace. Who dies engulfed in flames succumbs in shelters, asphyxiated from lack of oxygen or poisoned by carbon monoxide.
dawn on Feb. 14, when the survivors of the peripheral areas of the city it seemed that the worst was over, there came the third wave. The Americans, who could not be outdone by the British, with their "flying fortresses" unloaded what was left of the city and its inhabitants their cargo of death and destruction while hunting "mustang" low-flying machine-gunned the columns of refugees trying to escape from the hell of Dresden.
A total of Dresden were dropped 2,700 tons of bombs, a huge amount, when compared with other cities threw up German. But the preference given to incendiary bombs, which represented approximately 70% of missiles launched, it caused the most appalling tragedy of war: the confirmed deaths were 135,000 (the estimate is most reliable, however, rise to about 200,000 the number of victims to the great influx of refugees, many of whom are not yet registered).
This was Dresden, a horrible massacre of civilians who did not find any justification from the military point of view. It was a macabre record of inhumanity, not even matched by the atomic bombings of Japan that caused "only" 150,000 dead.
The Anglo-Americans even today with astonishing cynicism "justify" the dreadful massacre by saying that "it was an inevitable price to pay for the liberation of Europe and the world from Nazi barbarism" ... ....
In reality it was the desire not to inflict exemplary punishment to the Hitler regime, but the German people and at the same time warn Soviet ally (what is now the turn of Dresden tomorrow could reach Moscow) that animated the order given Churchill and the U.S. fully supported from the ally.
At the Nuremberg trial in the dock would have disfigured the authors and, above all, the instigator of the bombing of Dresden.
of Gianfredo Ruggiero (Source: Excalibur)

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