Friday, February 25, 2011

Fotos De Mulheres Nuas

Three years

Com’ero io a tre anni? Ho solo qualche ricordo confuso, ma so per certo di essere stata felice. Avevo un papà divertente e una mamma rigorosa; due nonne , una all’antica e una moderna; un’amica del cuore; forse anche un gatto. Ero ancora figlia unica, dormivo in camera con i miei genitori, avevo una Barbie , una bicicletta con le rotelle, qualche altro gioco. La mia principessa preferita era Biancaneve e adoravo le favole che mi raccontava mia nonna (quella all’antica), accanto al fuoco. Three years is the time of my life when the memories begin, as if I had been born three years. My best friend at the time, for example, has been my only true friend for many years and still today, although there almost never see because we live in two different and distant places, I often think of her. I think our games, our adventures, we had a special way of relating and looking at the world.
A few days ago my daughter three years (previously three years). What do you remember this age wonderful? How will discover the world, the friendship, really?

just woke up, as we prepare to leave, often playing to invent a story. This morning I said:

- Mama, I want to invent a story about a boy who went out alone without mom and dad without

- And where did he go?

- The world

This reply surprised me. He did not say, as I know, went to play, went to the beach or going to kindergarten. He went around the world. A child who was in the world.

Like you, honey: a three year your real journey into the world, but there you go alone, or at least not yet, you will lead us, hand, your mom and your dad . I really hope that your stay is happy.


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