La Giovane Italia, movimento giovanile del Popolo della Libertà, venerdì sera è andata in sala consiliare a Marnate "per fare un piccolo gesto simbolico contro l'arroganza delle associazioni e partiti che si opponevano a via Giorgio Almirante, ovviamente ci è was denied by the police prompted by some city councilors.
"That night" the statement sent to local newspapers "was the meeting of the YOUNG ITALY VALLE OLONA, there were 25 guys who felt insulted and amazed by the shower of insults that had rained down on the late head of the Italian right and then to all those who were a part. We knew that there would be the board that night and decided to do something, a small gesture to show that someone is tired of the climate of hatred built to art in Italy. Built by those who absolutely needs to have some 'monsters' to be fought in order to demonstrate the importance of its existence. "
Young Italy has so prepared a leaflet with written words: "Giorgio Almirante: an Italian model" with a flag waving on the side, "and we decided to send the city council only 3 guys, so that a sample of democracy felt threatened by the presence numerically much higher than that in the papers the day they flutter their historical contempt for the Secretary of the MSI. "
"Upon entering the assembly room (an assembly room that cleared advisors, counselors, journalists and police had announced that as all the people who are rebelling against the decision to Via Almirante, that is to be magnanimous could be counted on fingers hands) some diligent Council was concerned of what was happening (ie nothing) and moved quickly to activate the police, who called us out of the classroom. Among ridiculous excuses by the monitor and advise 'paternal' accompanied by phrases like '... if not easily identifiable and forces us to act ...' the police, there came a little 'laugh and a bit' of anger: to laugh in the issue outstanding, the opposition has no other arguments to give him a mayor than that of place-names, the anger instead thinking that we are in 2011 and the tension that these gentlemen to the left would have us live is really bad and threw it back over the years of hatred without serious motives and ideals, but only for the power hungry that they have. In our history
territories and citizens have actually ousted from their administrative posts giving a specific assessment of their policy efforts and their continuing with the old story of prehistoric hunting fascist (which does not exist today) not only confirms this assessment! "
"These gentlemen - said a provincial leader of the Young Italy - are arrogant and cynical, yesterday have exploited an important religious symbol to carry on a battle that has very little political value. I, Sabba, I know the importance for the Jewish people of their symbols, for this made me sort this exploitation. "
The Blitz Italy ends with Young the invitation to the Mayor Celestino Cerana and the whole council "to consider well the democratic values \u200b\u200bof the critical, because the voices that were raised are those of people who 'underlie prate of democracy and freedom' in one sense." Also want to congratulate the Government and the PDL marnatese "for a well governed country that the only major controversy that raises is the name of a street ..."
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