If you follow this blog regularly, you'll know that sometimes I like to bring the cream of the music production Coast.
typical local singer-songwriter, who grew up in piada and "crap", does not have many arguments ...
The fact most of the songs tell of beautiful daughters in costume, of "Horoscope" , Birds various situations and always similar.
Just to mention a few verses of the famous "Fiki Fiki" to see what I mean:
"You're all wet
In this blazing summer
Exit excited
water under the tree of chocolate ... The desire to
The thought of licking salt
think of eating to suck a nice mango ?..."
A hymn to the feeling ...
Occasionally, however, there are exceptions.
It 's the case of the legendary Magic Voice, stage name of Francesco Giancaspro.
Coming from Molfetta, now is a citizen of Rimini "honorary".
His performances and his confused and hilarious speeches have made him famous throughout la riviera.
Senza fissa dimora (dorme nella sala d'aspetto della Stazione di Rimini), lo si vede spesso girovagare per la città con una busta in mano.
In quella busta c'è racchiuso il suo mondo: i volantini delle sue future esibizioni, dedicati "ai suoi fans e non fans" , e i cd delle sue canzoni, che cerca di vendere nel corso delle sue performance.
Io stesso l'ho incontrato decine di volte, e proprio per questo posso testimoniare che si discosta nettamente dal classico barbone che vive d'espedienti.
Non l'ho mai visto domandare soldi o cercare di scroccare cene e caffè...lui vive della sua "arte" sia pure in maniera alquanto originale.
Molto richiesto per esibizioni in ristoranti e pizzerie, on warm summer evenings you can see in some improvisations in the crowd.
Those who know him applaud and have fun ... but the tourists are wondering who is that crazy.
few years ago, his track "Hello, hello Lulu" became the catchphrase of the summer: in the wake of this unexpected success, was released a disc "Dinosaurs on Earth" that collects the best of our Magic. The sudden fame
least not to scratch his way of life continued to split his days between stations, leaflets and vocal performances in some restaurant.
There are even some of his appearances on national channels: the "Corrida" displacing poor Corrado saying "Mr Conrad, I am a man capable of anything!" ...
Spiazzi also the valley Antonella Elia, kissing on the mouth. The program
"The Hatch" Fabrizio Frizzi instead gave her best singing of his lungs his most famous catchphrase.
If you want to listen to the "Magic-thought" feel it in this interview "Studio Aperto" :
"an unspecified date in the near future ... but now!" ...
Great Magic!
- Vonetzel
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