Ogni tanto mi piace perdere un pò del mio tempo su Ebay...
Dopo aver dato un'occhiata alle categorie "Musica" e "Fumetti" , mi diverto a navigare nel mare magnum del collezionismo.
Non avendo alcuna conoscenza specifica del settore, vado curiosando tra le inserzioni scadute per vedere a quale prezzo vengono vendute le più impensabili anticaglie.
E ogni volta mi stupisco: oggetti per me assolutamente insignificanti vengono acquistati per diverse migliaia di euro da compratori competenti.
tonight but my normal astonishment gave way to a moment of pure bewilderment. In the category
"Decorations and badges" I found a listing where the seller has put in an ingot auction celebrating the United Nations World Conference on Organized Crime held in Naples in November 1994 and headed by Silvio Berlusconi.
Apart from the aspect of the crazy thing (who better than our Premier can talk about organized crime), I was thrilled to see the final price of the object.
One million euro! ...

I immediately thought a mistake, because the ingot in question "is not gold, but has only its color," as it is now stated in the listing.
Determined to unravel the mystery, I went to browse the feedback of the transaction for more details.
And I knew right away what was reported the famous "million" .
Click on the image and you will find the solution to the enigma.

Go Papi! ...
- Vonetzel
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