"... one of these lane, nice nice walk from returning home, on the evening of 7 November of 1628, Don Abbondio ... "
Already in" The Betrothed, the story of 400 years ago and Manzoni describes the arrogance with which the powerful seek by threats of actions to prevent them do not like. But today, Marnhull, what we wonder?
This is Italy where, in years lead, the dead of the Right did not have the same value of the dead left. This is the Italy of the Youth Front of the boys picked up locked because putting up posters or distributing leaflets. This is Italy Mattei brothers, young men burned alive in their house because their Roman father was the secretary of a small section of the MSI.
This is Italy's Sergio Ramelli , student killed in house in Milan on April 29, 1975 by a Communist commando, the wrench with a blow on the head. Young high school student who was allowed to write in a theme that the Red Brigades were left condemned by the same indifference of his professors, killed una seconda volta dalla vergognosa e pavida decisione di uno Stato imbelle che negò ai suoi cari i funerali, perché avrebbero “turbato l’ordine pubblico”.
Questa è l’Italia dove uno scrittore e giornalista orgogliosamente di sinistra, ma intellettualmente onesto come Giampaolo Pansa, viene minacciato di morte e cacciato dal palco per avere riconosciuto in un libro gli orrendi crimini della sinistra nell’immediato dopoguerra. Questa è l’Italia dove l’Assessore Pisani – un giovane buono e generoso, geneticamente incapace di voler male a chicchessia – riceve una mail ed una lettera anonima in cui, con vecchi e stantii slogan antifascisti, viene minacciato di morte solo per aver chiesto l’intitolazione di una strada a Giorgio Almirante. Questa è l’Italia in cui un Sindaco, ricevendo una manciata di mail contrarie alla medesima decisione (quasi tutte inviate dallo stesso computer…), si spaventa e, per accontentare una sparuta minoranza intollerante, preferirebbe scontentare la stragrande maggioranza dei suoi elettori.
Pensaci Sindaco, Giorgio Almirante insegnava ai suoi “non odiate”.
Loro odiano.
Odiano perché orfani della loro ideologia sconfitta dalla Storia.
Odiano perché costretti dalla mancanza di idee all’intolleranza.
Odiano perché l’odio è l’unica ragione che riesce a unirli.
Pensaci Sindaco, give way to intolerance is always a defeat.
Unlike them, we do not want to split. We want it to be finally overcome the division of a bloody and painful history long gone. For this reason we dedicate a right way to Almirante. In a country where they already exist via Gramsci and Togliatti. Almirante teaching "political opponents, not enemies." I know you well, Mayor, I know how upset you are today. I then help you with a suggestion. Suggest a change to your Board. Call VIA Sergio Ramelli .
Almirante will become happy, you have won . One of his children will live with him in memory of those who made policy and survived the bloody madness of those years: young men hours that will help the youth of today to remember, so that the violence never came back. Rather than seeing a sign
VIA ALMIRANTE continually abused and damaged violent intolerance of those who do not want to accept the peaceful and civilized debate, I prefer to see a sign that commemorates the sacrifice of Sergio and thinking to myself, with a smile: " Via Ramelli, via Almirante already ... "(because for the few but significant days, however it has been)
Airaghi Marco - Chairman of Provincial People's Right Varese
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