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on March 17 The controversy has not been edifying. Debating on whether to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy under the economic data was frankly humiliating. But behind the Lega provocations lurks a feeling deeply rooted, from north to south, of impatience with respect to certain "uncritical exaltation of patriotism windbag" well described by Giordano Bruno Guerri. Mind you, the vast majority of Italians do not question the value of national unity, but after 150 years, it is unthinkable to reinvigorate the Italians love for home with tales of heroic anecdotes or book Heart forgetting the true course of history. Also made up a story of intrigue Masson, killings and looting, in particular against the population of the south. The south was the scene of the "Italian Civil War" (to the north took place the second and far more serious between 1943 and 1945) between the northern and southern Italians. Other
that "brothers in Italy, before and after 1861 in the South were faced young Italians in a fratricidal struggle.
Those "Piedmont" and those "bandits" were, however, victims of the ruling class of pre-unification various kingdoms, united by the same political myopia. Already in debate of the early decades of the nineteenth century there was an awareness that the primary condition to achieve unification right, accepted by all, was to build an Italian confederation of sovereign states, without any prevarication on the part of a crown on top. This hypothesis was a step away from achieving it. He jumped all because of the shortsightedness of Francis II of Bourbon. Then the story is known: Cavour, although initially considered a national unity "nonsense", cynically resigned to the idea of \u200b\u200b"piemontesizzare" the whole of Italy, Garibaldi invaded Sicily with the support of the British fleet and the substantial corruption delle più alte gerarchie dell’esercito regolare del Regno delle Due Sicilie. Per “convincere” le popolazioni del meridione della bontà del processo unitario, il neonato Stato emanò la legge Pica del 1863 con la quale impose lo stato d’assedio, trasferì i poteri ai tribunali militari, utilizzò lavori forzati e fucilazioni, sospese ogni garanzia costituzionale.
Eppure, nonostante i tanti errori di cui ancora oggi paghiamo le conseguenze, senza il Risorgimento non si sarebbe arrivati a realizzare il sogno manzoniano dell’Italia “una d’arme, di lingua, d’altare, di memorie, di sangue e di cor”. Quell’unità malfatta, con i conseguenti bitterness between north and south, were partly overcome in the mud of the trenches of the Isonzo and Carso during the First World War. There was no time to divide, to accuse the sins of the fathers. There was to defend the homeland, the desire to redeem himself after Caporetto. One must strive to speak Italian to understand orders. Germans and Austrians were about to expand in the peninsula, it was necessary to shield with their bodies on the Piave. Sicilians, Romans and Venetians wept for their comrades killed and rejoicing for the victory. It was the comradeship of the trenches to create the national glue. This is the truth that the partner can not tell Benigni Sanremo.
A Vittorio Veneto is devoted l’unità reale delle genti italiche. Ma si trattò solo di una “rinascita”. L’Italia non è infatti nata nel 1861, o nel 1918 o addirittura nel 1946. Per capire quando è nata la nostra patria dobbiamo scomodare un grande letterato russo, Fedor Dostojevskij, che scrisse nel suo Diario di uno scrittore: “Per duemila anni l’Italia ha portato in sé un’idea universale capace di riunire il mondo, non una qualunque idea astratta, non la speculazione di una mente di gabinetto, ma un’idea reale, organica, frutto della vita della nazione, frutto della vita del mondo: l’idea dell’unione di tutto il mondo, da principio quella romana antica, poi la papale. I popoli cresciuti e scomparsi in questi due millenni e mezzo in Italia comprendevano che erano i portatori di un’idea universale e, quando non lo comprendevano, lo sentivano. La scienza, l’arte, tutto si rivestiva e penetrava di questo significato mondiale”.
Da palermitano critico verso il Risorgimento dico che bisogna superare gli antichi risentimenti e celebrare insieme l’unità ritrovata. E allora festeggiamo il 17 marzo, ricopriamo le città di tricolori, suoniamo e cantiamo l’inno anche senza un pallone da calcio. Ma spieghiamo, soprattutto alla gioventù italiana, che la nostra patria, la terra dei padri, ha una storia nobile molto più antica degli ultimi 150 anni. Spieghiamo agli italiani di Bolzano e di Palermo that, to paraphrase Professor Thomas Romano, the Italian spirit is pre-political, genetic, linguistic, and has its roots in Roman, greek culture, Latin America and the Christian Middle Ages. This spirit, according to Romano, is due to the ethos of "spontaneous nation", a dimension that settles deep in the consciousness of the features of the tradition of a people. Only then can we win the League sterile provocations.
We then patriotic exaltation by the poor season from historical lies, let's talk real Italy. You will see that proudly unfurled the tricolor still higher.
Mauro la Mantia
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