Escort, facial tissues and these modern feminists are all daughters of the same culture
As every year, on March 8 in women's awakens ancient sessantottino ferment of feminism. Some are still trying to find their local sexual liberation in a male striptease, while the other, those apparently more faithful to the dictates of '68, taking to the streets to denounce today as yesterday, the male dominance over women, continuing their work of feminist information from newspapers and from the places of power. The slogans and demands are the same as forty years ago. The evolution of society and the status of women seems to have stopped in those years.
For these post-feminist society is still mirror of the male hierarchy, which stifle the freedom of women, through prejudice, taboos and family. The only thing, however, seems to have changed, no longer than the age of these young protesters, is the substance of their slogans, the ideal background of their momentum. If, in fact, even today, these women shouting that their compensation can be achieved only through the sexual liberation, it is now as new clothes. It is no longer the sexual liberation inevitably transformed into sexual availability. Feminists have now been rediscovered moralistic. A good many, in fact, those ragazze che dicevano nel loro manifesto di Rivolta femminile di “accogliere la sessualità in ogni sua forma” e teorizzavano l'amore libero, oggi hanno raggiunto altissimi posti di potere ed invece di portare la “fantasia al potere”, vi hanno portato un moralismo tanto ipocrita quanto contraddittorio.
Troviamo oggi tutte queste femministe pronte ad accusare di immoralità certe donne e puntare il dito verso atteggiamenti “moralmente sconvenienti”. Vengono gettate alla gogna quelle ragazze che vendono il loro corpo a uomini potenti, quelle ragazze che decidono coscientemente di mettere in mostra il loro corpo e lavorare grazie ad esso.
Ieri le mogli e le madri, oggi escort, veline e vallette many become the primary target against which they fling themselves post-feminists, only now ready to criticize that commercialization of the female body, which they themselves have created and encouraged.
All these women seem to have forgotten their struggles waged in the streets, they forget to have long professed a kind of sexuality to the exclusive purpose of meeting the physical needs, a love of consumerism and disposable, without any emotional involvement, forget having conducted struggle for the decriminalization of abortion, seen as a means to finally experience this false love without consequence, they forget to have fought against those traditional social groups, such as family, seen as reduction of women to domestic staff and subject matter for reproduction, and marriage, understood as a form of legalized prostitution, they forget, in short, all their past ... Yet
escort, facial tissues and these modern feminists are all daughters of the same culture and the former are more able to realize the utopia sessantottino. Yesterday the streets were burning bras as a sign of sexual liberation and free love theorized, now put into practice the teachings of their mothers. In fact, not only particular groups are pursuing these teachings. It is also normal girls who have grown up with the myth of sexual freedom. The pleasures and bodies are considered according to the logic of consumerism. Partner sempre diversi vanno accumulati per dimostrare la propria libertà sessuale e, forse, per colmare i vuoti provocati dalla demolizione della famiglia.
Le escort e le ragazze che in vario modo vendono il loro corpo sono ragazze che decidono liberamente di usare la propria sessualità a proprio vantaggio. Hanno raggiunto la tanto agognata libertà sessuale, non sono più vittime dei pregiudizi sociali e dei tabù. Sono le figlie dello slogan “Il corpo è mio e me lo gestisco io”.
Eppure oggi le post-femministe si vergognano delle loro figlie e si rifiutano di ammettere a cosa hanno portato le loro teorizzazioni. Hanno ottenuto ciò che volevano: hanno distrutto la famiglia, tolto valore al matrimonio e reso libera sessualmente la donna, ma non sono soddisfatte dei loro stessi insegnamenti.
A distanza di quarant'anni hanno rinnegato le loro teorizzazioni, capendo che la loro utopia femminista, più che liberare la donna, conduce alla sua autodistruzione.
La rivoluzione sessuale ha portato le donne ad essere nuovi oggetti sessuali, oggetti sessuali coscienti ed accondiscendenti. Ogni tipo di messaggio è rivolto al corpo femminile. Quel corpo che viene visto come l'unico mezzo per raggiungere la felicità, attraverso diversi modi di offrirsi.
Quel femminismo esasperato, visto solo in termini di contrapposizione uomo-donna e non in termini di integrazione sociale, ha visto anche la nascita di quell'aberrante phenomenon of indiscriminate equality between men and women.
Men and women are not considered to be naturally different, with different inclinations and different mental structures, but with equal rights and dignity, should be rather seen exactly the same, and, just as called for sessantottino feminism, the sexual categories are completely erased. This absurd result feminist did not generate more than women dressed for men, women who claim to occupy all the jobs occupied by men, without having to prove their superiority on the field work and career women who see motherhood in the family and only a obstacle to their professional accomplishment. Feminism has
perfectly realized in the "mystique of seduction," the ability to use their bodies to come true. Everything else is merely the natural consequence of that feminism, but today women are now aware of aberrations that have created with their ideas. Today try to repair the damages caused, but it would be preferable to do this is definitely stripped of that culture sessantottino, instead of dressing feminism contradictory moralizing.
Valeria Mannino

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