Friday, March 11, 2011
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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on March 17 The controversy has not been edifying. Debating on whether to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy under the economic data was frankly humiliating. But behind the Lega provocations lurks a feeling deeply rooted, from north to south, of impatience with respect to certain "uncritical exaltation of patriotism windbag" well described by Giordano Bruno Guerri. Mind you, the vast majority of Italians do not question the value of national unity, but after 150 years, it is unthinkable to reinvigorate the Italians love for home with tales of heroic anecdotes or book Heart forgetting the true course of history. Also made up a story of intrigue Masson, killings and looting, in particular against the population of the south. The south was the scene of the "Italian Civil War" (to the north took place the second and far more serious between 1943 and 1945) between the northern and southern Italians. Other
that "brothers in Italy, before and after 1861 in the South were faced young Italians in a fratricidal struggle.
Those "Piedmont" and those "bandits" were, however, victims of the ruling class of pre-unification various kingdoms, united by the same political myopia. Already in debate of the early decades of the nineteenth century there was an awareness that the primary condition to achieve unification right, accepted by all, was to build an Italian confederation of sovereign states, without any prevarication on the part of a crown on top. This hypothesis was a step away from achieving it. He jumped all because of the shortsightedness of Francis II of Bourbon. Then the story is known: Cavour, although initially considered a national unity "nonsense", cynically resigned to the idea of \u200b\u200b"piemontesizzare" the whole of Italy, Garibaldi invaded Sicily with the support of the British fleet and the substantial corruption delle più alte gerarchie dell’esercito regolare del Regno delle Due Sicilie. Per “convincere” le popolazioni del meridione della bontà del processo unitario, il neonato Stato emanò la legge Pica del 1863 con la quale impose lo stato d’assedio, trasferì i poteri ai tribunali militari, utilizzò lavori forzati e fucilazioni, sospese ogni garanzia costituzionale.
Eppure, nonostante i tanti errori di cui ancora oggi paghiamo le conseguenze, senza il Risorgimento non si sarebbe arrivati a realizzare il sogno manzoniano dell’Italia “una d’arme, di lingua, d’altare, di memorie, di sangue e di cor”. Quell’unità malfatta, con i conseguenti bitterness between north and south, were partly overcome in the mud of the trenches of the Isonzo and Carso during the First World War. There was no time to divide, to accuse the sins of the fathers. There was to defend the homeland, the desire to redeem himself after Caporetto. One must strive to speak Italian to understand orders. Germans and Austrians were about to expand in the peninsula, it was necessary to shield with their bodies on the Piave. Sicilians, Romans and Venetians wept for their comrades killed and rejoicing for the victory. It was the comradeship of the trenches to create the national glue. This is the truth that the partner can not tell Benigni Sanremo.
A Vittorio Veneto is devoted l’unità reale delle genti italiche. Ma si trattò solo di una “rinascita”. L’Italia non è infatti nata nel 1861, o nel 1918 o addirittura nel 1946. Per capire quando è nata la nostra patria dobbiamo scomodare un grande letterato russo, Fedor Dostojevskij, che scrisse nel suo Diario di uno scrittore: “Per duemila anni l’Italia ha portato in sé un’idea universale capace di riunire il mondo, non una qualunque idea astratta, non la speculazione di una mente di gabinetto, ma un’idea reale, organica, frutto della vita della nazione, frutto della vita del mondo: l’idea dell’unione di tutto il mondo, da principio quella romana antica, poi la papale. I popoli cresciuti e scomparsi in questi due millenni e mezzo in Italia comprendevano che erano i portatori di un’idea universale e, quando non lo comprendevano, lo sentivano. La scienza, l’arte, tutto si rivestiva e penetrava di questo significato mondiale”.
Da palermitano critico verso il Risorgimento dico che bisogna superare gli antichi risentimenti e celebrare insieme l’unità ritrovata. E allora festeggiamo il 17 marzo, ricopriamo le città di tricolori, suoniamo e cantiamo l’inno anche senza un pallone da calcio. Ma spieghiamo, soprattutto alla gioventù italiana, che la nostra patria, la terra dei padri, ha una storia nobile molto più antica degli ultimi 150 anni. Spieghiamo agli italiani di Bolzano e di Palermo that, to paraphrase Professor Thomas Romano, the Italian spirit is pre-political, genetic, linguistic, and has its roots in Roman, greek culture, Latin America and the Christian Middle Ages. This spirit, according to Romano, is due to the ethos of "spontaneous nation", a dimension that settles deep in the consciousness of the features of the tradition of a people. Only then can we win the League sterile provocations.
We then patriotic exaltation by the poor season from historical lies, let's talk real Italy. You will see that proudly unfurled the tricolor still higher.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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La scorsa settimana ho trascorso qualche giornata sulla neve.
Sono andato a Campo Imperatore in Abruzzo.
Non c'ero mai stato e devo riconoscere che ne è valsa la pena: posti stupendi, natura incontaminata e tanta aria buona...
Non sapevo però che fossero così precisi.
In questo Ristorante forse esagerano un pò...
- Vonetzel
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Escort, facial tissues and these modern feminists are all daughters of the same culture
As every year, on March 8 in women's awakens ancient sessantottino ferment of feminism. Some are still trying to find their local sexual liberation in a male striptease, while the other, those apparently more faithful to the dictates of '68, taking to the streets to denounce today as yesterday, the male dominance over women, continuing their work of feminist information from newspapers and from the places of power. The slogans and demands are the same as forty years ago. The evolution of society and the status of women seems to have stopped in those years.
For these post-feminist society is still mirror of the male hierarchy, which stifle the freedom of women, through prejudice, taboos and family. The only thing, however, seems to have changed, no longer than the age of these young protesters, is the substance of their slogans, the ideal background of their momentum. If, in fact, even today, these women shouting that their compensation can be achieved only through the sexual liberation, it is now as new clothes. It is no longer the sexual liberation inevitably transformed into sexual availability. Feminists have now been rediscovered moralistic. A good many, in fact, those ragazze che dicevano nel loro manifesto di Rivolta femminile di “accogliere la sessualità in ogni sua forma” e teorizzavano l'amore libero, oggi hanno raggiunto altissimi posti di potere ed invece di portare la “fantasia al potere”, vi hanno portato un moralismo tanto ipocrita quanto contraddittorio.
Troviamo oggi tutte queste femministe pronte ad accusare di immoralità certe donne e puntare il dito verso atteggiamenti “moralmente sconvenienti”. Vengono gettate alla gogna quelle ragazze che vendono il loro corpo a uomini potenti, quelle ragazze che decidono coscientemente di mettere in mostra il loro corpo e lavorare grazie ad esso.
Ieri le mogli e le madri, oggi escort, veline e vallette many become the primary target against which they fling themselves post-feminists, only now ready to criticize that commercialization of the female body, which they themselves have created and encouraged.
All these women seem to have forgotten their struggles waged in the streets, they forget to have long professed a kind of sexuality to the exclusive purpose of meeting the physical needs, a love of consumerism and disposable, without any emotional involvement, forget having conducted struggle for the decriminalization of abortion, seen as a means to finally experience this false love without consequence, they forget to have fought against those traditional social groups, such as family, seen as reduction of women to domestic staff and subject matter for reproduction, and marriage, understood as a form of legalized prostitution, they forget, in short, all their past ... Yet
escort, facial tissues and these modern feminists are all daughters of the same culture and the former are more able to realize the utopia sessantottino. Yesterday the streets were burning bras as a sign of sexual liberation and free love theorized, now put into practice the teachings of their mothers. In fact, not only particular groups are pursuing these teachings. It is also normal girls who have grown up with the myth of sexual freedom. The pleasures and bodies are considered according to the logic of consumerism. Partner sempre diversi vanno accumulati per dimostrare la propria libertà sessuale e, forse, per colmare i vuoti provocati dalla demolizione della famiglia.
Le escort e le ragazze che in vario modo vendono il loro corpo sono ragazze che decidono liberamente di usare la propria sessualità a proprio vantaggio. Hanno raggiunto la tanto agognata libertà sessuale, non sono più vittime dei pregiudizi sociali e dei tabù. Sono le figlie dello slogan “Il corpo è mio e me lo gestisco io”.
Eppure oggi le post-femministe si vergognano delle loro figlie e si rifiutano di ammettere a cosa hanno portato le loro teorizzazioni. Hanno ottenuto ciò che volevano: hanno distrutto la famiglia, tolto valore al matrimonio e reso libera sessualmente la donna, ma non sono soddisfatte dei loro stessi insegnamenti.
A distanza di quarant'anni hanno rinnegato le loro teorizzazioni, capendo che la loro utopia femminista, più che liberare la donna, conduce alla sua autodistruzione.
La rivoluzione sessuale ha portato le donne ad essere nuovi oggetti sessuali, oggetti sessuali coscienti ed accondiscendenti. Ogni tipo di messaggio è rivolto al corpo femminile. Quel corpo che viene visto come l'unico mezzo per raggiungere la felicità, attraverso diversi modi di offrirsi.
Quel femminismo esasperato, visto solo in termini di contrapposizione uomo-donna e non in termini di integrazione sociale, ha visto anche la nascita di quell'aberrante phenomenon of indiscriminate equality between men and women.
Men and women are not considered to be naturally different, with different inclinations and different mental structures, but with equal rights and dignity, should be rather seen exactly the same, and, just as called for sessantottino feminism, the sexual categories are completely erased. This absurd result feminist did not generate more than women dressed for men, women who claim to occupy all the jobs occupied by men, without having to prove their superiority on the field work and career women who see motherhood in the family and only a obstacle to their professional accomplishment. Feminism has
perfectly realized in the "mystique of seduction," the ability to use their bodies to come true. Everything else is merely the natural consequence of that feminism, but today women are now aware of aberrations that have created with their ideas. Today try to repair the damages caused, but it would be preferable to do this is definitely stripped of that culture sessantottino, instead of dressing feminism contradictory moralizing.
Valeria Mannino

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In the seventies, Elena Gianini Belotti had described how the social and cultural education the inferior role of women in society might be fulfilled in a few years, from birth (yes, from birth), entry into school. Loredana Lipperini, with his book, shows that unfortunately has not changed much during those years and revolves around a question "How is it that the girls who wanted to become U.S. presidents have given birth to daughters who dream of half-naked beside sculettare a rapper? ". Behold, how is it possible? How is it that many teenagers today's dream of putting their lives at the heart of the pleasant personality, and not the brain power and intelligence? How can a young lady called Ruby is invited to the debutantes' ball in Vienna? But are we crazy? Models suggest that the young girls of 18 who are preparing to enter society? Idea that men and women we send?
Monday, March 7, 2011
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The whole community supports militant
You can see his short, but intense political career on his website, along with press clippings of everything and CLERICI THINGS, our provincial president, have done to Varese in recent years by advisers.
Facebook page
Things will work in the area, with tents and flyers, to present his election platform in contact with people, even in the suburbs, on the other hand is the tradition of our right to be in contact with people, with the people, who lives and gives life to the city. At the side of the weakest, with a focus on social, environmental and homeland as the first value.
Also in the electoral program will bring all the proposals arising from the meetings that is pushing things with professionals and students, divided into three topics:
The proposals were drawn up, Tentative, after the first meeting, attended by boys also not directly involved in our youth movement and political, to underline our commitment to the community, were these.
best-management services dedicated to university students-
need for a centralization of the various accommodation option
-access roads and parking lots in via red-
initiatives addressed to all citizens for a relaunch image
-extension of hours of music Concerts (dj and live music) on weekends until 2:00 am where they do not bear excessive disturbance of the peace organization
-General Event (sull’esempio della “Notte bianca”) in collaborazione coi commercianti locali
-istituzione di un’associazione di categoria “pubbliche relazioni varesine” per presentare proposte, organizzare iniziative e calendarizzare gli eventi.
-istituzione di una volante della polizia locale nel centro della città durante i week-end estivi fino alle 4 di notte;
-organizzazione all’interno delle scuole medie di corsi gratuiti di difesa personale per ragazze
-progetti finalizzati alla valorizzazione dell’artigianato
Rapporti col cittadino
-assicurare the direct relationship between local government and citizens through new
parking cost-reduction, with particular attention to students (in the use of appropriate automated parking pass)
-rise parking Disabled
- continuation of the abatement plan Barrier
Public Works
-monitoring system for more efficient check-bumpy roads
-enhancing lighting system more efficient for the maintenance of public facilities (es.scuole, parking lots)
-expansion and renovation of existing structures and controls on how to use : ice bucket priorities - piscina -stadio
- rilancio dello sport varesino attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi sportivi che coinvolgano principalmente le società presenti sul territorio
-grandi eventi sportivi annuali (es.galà internazionale kickboxe)
-“sport in piazza”, eventi con diverse discipline per promuovere associazioni sportive e avvicinare i più giovani allo sport
-interventi finalizzati ad aumentare i servizi offerti dall’aula studio presente nella biblioteca comunale
Potete fare liberamente i vostri commenti e proporre altri punti da valutare direttamente qui, oppure su facebook sulla pagina del progetto COSE PER CAMBIARE.
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1. The limpid-eyed and curious about my daughter
2. Brunello di Montalcino
3. Drive through Via dei Fori Imperiali, at night, when Rome is still alive, but free from traffic, and it shows with all the charm of his arrogance eternity
4. Winter sea
5. The friends, the ones that get into the heart for no more out
6. The work, when you squeeze your brain for a project that you like and you feel terribly alive
7. The novels, those who read more in one go because you can not break away from the page
8. The dinner for two, when chatting with your partner and you are absorbed to the point of having the feeling of being alone in a crowded restaurant
9. The Shakespeare Theatre, all
10. Waking up in the morning and see what happens after
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Lo sapevo...
E, pensandoci bene, non avrebbe potuto essere diversamente.
Il polverone mediatico generato dal "Bunga Bunga" could not remain indifferent songwriters Romagnoli.
Their vision of "uterine" art has given birth to yet another masterpiece.
already looking ready to rage this summer.
The usual ways of melancholy, the usual deep introspection ... all musicians in a melody that is able to express fully the sense of emptiness that pervades us every time we do not find the answers to the great questions of our existence.
Practically a soundtrack for the soul.
Freely inspired "Often the pain of living, I met" Eugenio Montale, the "Divine Indifference" this summer will manifest Romagna in thanks to another great poet, genius and Pierrots.
"On the dance Bunga Bunga
here the night is long and will not end well,
here extends the life you
with Bunga Bunga
tell me so ..."
"The message reaches you my
is the Bunga Bunga
that makes me feel like a king,
and if you want to reach for the
Bunga Bunga
run there for you ..."
My eardrums are already thanking ...
- Vonetzel
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Friday, March 4, 2011
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i mutui 100 per cento che richiedono piani di rimborso di durata particolarmente elevata la pianificazione delle spese a lungo termine, la gestione delle rate, le garanzie richieste e il regime di interesse per il quale si opta, sono elementi da considerare con la massima attenzione e da valutare con estrema cura, non trascurando alcun dettaglio. Effettuare una scrupolosa comparazione dei migliori mutui 100% anche online, grazie ai tools di calcolo gratuiti, può essere di ulteriore aiuti a quanti sono alla ricerca di soluzioni di finanziamento immobiliare. Come già illustrato poc'anzi, gli istituti erogano mutui fino ad un massimo pari all'80% del valore dell'immobile: per i mutui 100 per cento, quindi, in Generally, banks may require to guarantee a difference of policy loans. Online, via the main computer systems prior loan provided by brokers and qualified sites, you can get a quick overview of the costs, the best calculator
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Thursday, March 3, 2011
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- Tesoro, sai che oggi c’è il veglioncino dei bambini e potrai andarci vestita da Biancaneve?
- Sì: mamma, ma io mi voglio vestire da città
- In che senso da città?
- Sì: con tutte le case.
Accidenti che delirio di onnipotenza.
- Non ti piace più il vestito di Biancaneve ? Non era la tua principessa preferita?
- Sì, però da città è più bello.
- Facciamo così, oggi ti travesti da Biancaneve, che è un travestimento bellissimo. E poi era della zia il vestito. Sai che la zia quando aveva tre anni come te ha usato proprio the dress you wear today?
- Yes, I know.
- Okay then, dressed as Snow White? Preview
- Yes it bellisssssimo.
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Mom, do you love me even if I make a fuss?
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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Everything normal. That's nice, though, the perfect day yesterday.
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publish the Decalogue of the Patriot, an initiative promoted by the boys of the Young Italy in the network Identity and Freedom.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Salad And Diverticulosis

Ogni tanto mi piace perdere un pò del mio tempo su Ebay...
Dopo aver dato un'occhiata alle categorie "Musica" e "Fumetti" , mi diverto a navigare nel mare magnum del collezionismo.
Non avendo alcuna conoscenza specifica del settore, vado curiosando tra le inserzioni scadute per vedere a quale prezzo vengono vendute le più impensabili anticaglie.
E ogni volta mi stupisco: oggetti per me assolutamente insignificanti vengono acquistati per diverse migliaia di euro da compratori competenti.
tonight but my normal astonishment gave way to a moment of pure bewilderment. In the category
"Decorations and badges" I found a listing where the seller has put in an ingot auction celebrating the United Nations World Conference on Organized Crime held in Naples in November 1994 and headed by Silvio Berlusconi.
Apart from the aspect of the crazy thing (who better than our Premier can talk about organized crime), I was thrilled to see the final price of the object.
One million euro! ...

I immediately thought a mistake, because the ingot in question "is not gold, but has only its color," as it is now stated in the listing.
Determined to unravel the mystery, I went to browse the feedback of the transaction for more details.
And I knew right away what was reported the famous "million" .
Click on the image and you will find the solution to the enigma.

Go Papi! ...
- Vonetzel
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"... one of these lane, nice nice walk from returning home, on the evening of 7 November of 1628, Don Abbondio ... "
Already in" The Betrothed, the story of 400 years ago and Manzoni describes the arrogance with which the powerful seek by threats of actions to prevent them do not like. But today, Marnhull, what we wonder?
This is Italy where, in years lead, the dead of the Right did not have the same value of the dead left. This is the Italy of the Youth Front of the boys picked up locked because putting up posters or distributing leaflets. This is Italy Mattei brothers, young men burned alive in their house because their Roman father was the secretary of a small section of the MSI.
This is Italy's Sergio Ramelli , student killed in house in Milan on April 29, 1975 by a Communist commando, the wrench with a blow on the head. Young high school student who was allowed to write in a theme that the Red Brigades were left condemned by the same indifference of his professors, killed una seconda volta dalla vergognosa e pavida decisione di uno Stato imbelle che negò ai suoi cari i funerali, perché avrebbero “turbato l’ordine pubblico”.
Questa è l’Italia dove uno scrittore e giornalista orgogliosamente di sinistra, ma intellettualmente onesto come Giampaolo Pansa, viene minacciato di morte e cacciato dal palco per avere riconosciuto in un libro gli orrendi crimini della sinistra nell’immediato dopoguerra. Questa è l’Italia dove l’Assessore Pisani – un giovane buono e generoso, geneticamente incapace di voler male a chicchessia – riceve una mail ed una lettera anonima in cui, con vecchi e stantii slogan antifascisti, viene minacciato di morte solo per aver chiesto l’intitolazione di una strada a Giorgio Almirante. Questa è l’Italia in cui un Sindaco, ricevendo una manciata di mail contrarie alla medesima decisione (quasi tutte inviate dallo stesso computer…), si spaventa e, per accontentare una sparuta minoranza intollerante, preferirebbe scontentare la stragrande maggioranza dei suoi elettori.
Pensaci Sindaco, Giorgio Almirante insegnava ai suoi “non odiate”.
Loro odiano.
Odiano perché orfani della loro ideologia sconfitta dalla Storia.
Odiano perché costretti dalla mancanza di idee all’intolleranza.
Odiano perché l’odio è l’unica ragione che riesce a unirli.
Pensaci Sindaco, give way to intolerance is always a defeat.
Unlike them, we do not want to split. We want it to be finally overcome the division of a bloody and painful history long gone. For this reason we dedicate a right way to Almirante. In a country where they already exist via Gramsci and Togliatti. Almirante teaching "political opponents, not enemies." I know you well, Mayor, I know how upset you are today. I then help you with a suggestion. Suggest a change to your Board. Call VIA Sergio Ramelli .
Almirante will become happy, you have won . One of his children will live with him in memory of those who made policy and survived the bloody madness of those years: young men hours that will help the youth of today to remember, so that the violence never came back. Rather than seeing a sign
VIA ALMIRANTE continually abused and damaged violent intolerance of those who do not want to accept the peaceful and civilized debate, I prefer to see a sign that commemorates the sacrifice of Sergio and thinking to myself, with a smile: " Via Ramelli, via Almirante already ... "(because for the few but significant days, however it has been)
Airaghi Marco - Chairman of Provincial People's Right Varese