Thursday, May 21, 2009

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Because for many women it is important to mastopexy. Since ancient times the breasts was the symbol of femininity. It is, in fact, only a source of maternal feelings, the initial center of interest in sexual intimacy, the place to hear it and it looks stimulate the establishment of a warm personal relationship. The breast volume and shape for women are therefore extremely important in determining the body image. Consequently now that she does not have a member within the contemporary standards of beauty often enlists the help of the plastic surgeon to perform a mastopexy. The concept of the ideal breast is indeed changing, and each era and each culture has established a prototype of a different beauty. In particular, the female breast has been subject to the whims of fashion. It follows that aesthetic surgery of the breast is an indefinable concept, never before in this area is the old adage "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The aesthetic evaluation of the surgeon must therefore be complemented by this and by what is technically achievable. The final form has priority sulle cicatri­ci; infatti, se questa risulta essere piacevo­le, raramente la paziente si lamenta degli esiti cicatriziali. I migliori risultati si ottengono nelle pazienti magre poiché maggiore risulta la definizione della forma della mammella es­sendo ridotto il tessuto sottocutaneo, che è quello che normalmente ospita i depositi di grasso. D'altro canto però sono questi i casi più impegnativi poiché risulta maggiormen­te evidente ogni piccola imperfezione. La scelta del momento in cui interveni­re è condizionata da molteplici fattori. Infatti la situazione emotiva della pa­ziente, la sua capacità di affrontare l'inter­vento chirurgico, la sua età e maturità, lo stato psicologico legato all'inestetismo and the quality of the outcome affect the estimated level of intervention. In young girls the signs should be carefully evaluated. Although the growth of normal breast is essential for a balanced development of the emotion, it is necessary that the patient is psychologically mature and motivated to face surgery acts to change its appearance. The correction with the mastopexy is requested for some fundamental changes: ptosis, asymmetry.


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