Sono passati 42 anni da quando Jan Palach si diede fuoco a Praga, 42 anni da quel gesto che sconvolse persino i governanti comunisti della Cecoslovacchia, che mai si sarebbero aspettati un gesto del genere.
Jan, un ragazzo di soli 21 anni, stanco dell'oppressione sovietica del suo popolo, e di tutti i popoli dell'est, si cosparse di benzina e decise di compiere il gesto estremo dandosi fuoco con un accendino, davanti a centinaia di persone esterefatte, che ammiravano quel giovane divenuto una torcia umana. Soccorso e portato in ospedale rimase 3 giorni in uno stato di lucida agonia prima di morire. Era il 19 Gennaio 1969.
Il suo gesto doveva scuotere the conscience of the world, a world that, as a song well describes, was "aloof sitting on the edge of the pit, without raising his voice in the face of Soviet repression in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia .. The reformist movement known as the "Prague Spring" had just been repressed by the powers of the Soviet Warsaw Pact, Europe and in the general silence of our own party, and Jan, along with other students, decided to make a symbolic act of which required the more precious than a human being could give, their lives. The notes written by Jan COMn the explanation of the gesture were found not far from the place of the attempted suicide, including these words
Because our people are on the verge of despair and resignation, we decided to express our protest and shake the conscience of the people. Our group is made up of volunteers, ready to blow for our cause. Since I had the privilege of extracting the number 1, it is my right to write the first letter and be the first Human Torch. We demand the abolition of censorship and prohibition of Zpravy [3]. If our demands are not fulfilled within five days, January 21, 1969, and if our people will not give sufficient support to those requests, with an unlimited general strike and a new torch s'infiammerÃ
We remember the sacrifice Jan's why kids today are aware of the true values, know that while we give importance to things silly and ephemeral as a dress, we were young in the name of an Idea, gave their lives doing extreme measures, and have done what to avoid, paradoxically, that others might follow them. Jan Palach died making a highly symbolic act, and the memory of his body on fire must be for us a source of light and inspiration so that we can strive for a better world, for high ideals, for a fleeting vision of life free from constraints.

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