Monday, January 24, 2011

Jon Boat Conversion Ideas

Bishop against our soldiers died. SHAME!

The Alpine Matteo Miotto re laying in peace, his memory has not. The Italian survives a dilemma, a dilemma is not new, even less so compelling: it is not a hero or a hero?

Individually, this time the bishop of Miotto to raise the issue. The figure was Thiene G, the diocese is that of Padua. And the spiritual leadership of this diocese has caused uproar with God's decision not to hold private funerals of the fallen, li mitandosi a inviare una lette ra di cordoglio. «La diocesi era rappresentata», ha spiega to monsignor Antonio Mat tiazzo ai giornalisti locali. E forse poteva fermarsi lì. Inve ce ha tenuto ad un’aggiunta molto chiara: «Certo sono di spiaciuto che il giovane sia morto. Ma andiamoci piano con l’esaltazione retorica. Non facciamone degli eroi. Quelle non sono missioni di pace. Vanno lì con le armi, dunque il significato è un altro, non dobbiamo dimenti­carlo...».

Sua eccellenza, indubbiamen te, solleva polvere con una presa di posizione piuttosto ideologica. Ai cristiani qua lunque, che si mettono in co da dietro a una bara, importa poco che dentro ci sia un eroe. Purtroppo c’è un ragazzo,che comunque ha lasciato la vita in circostanze molto partico lari, servendo una bandiera e una Patria, regalando scritti toccanti nel segno di un’idea. Sembrerebbe naturale che da vanti al corteo funebre, nel l’ultimo giorno, ci sia il suo ve scovo. In questo caso, il suo ve scovo non ritiene degna la cir costanza. Prende le distanze. Certo monsignor Mattiazzo ha mille ragioni quando vuo le sottrarsi al coro retorico. Troppo spesso l’enfasi patriot tica e militaresca sovrasta im pietosamente il lutto vero. Normale e forse pure dovero so che il religioso si neghi al rito profano dei superlativi epici. Ma nella sua posizione avrebbe un’opportunità uni ca: salire sul pulpito per indi rizzare le esequie in prima per sona, celebrandole secondo la its view of de fe, in the proper way. Instead the soldier

Miotto is a bishop who decides to avoid the rhetoric of dodge. With all due respect, difficult to understand. You can not share. But there's more. Monsignor Mattiazzo me also express its disagreement with the whole nature of the shipment tion Italian, siding openly: we're not going to bring peace, let's go to war.

Back to resurface the vexed and unresolved issue. The bishop addresses the king and in the most uncompromising line: where we know, no weapons, there guerra.Una Chie knows evangelical and spiritual in the strict sense can not accept in any case, the re-use of force. This noble respectable and ideal location. But things in the fields year, I am terribly more complicated. There are times and circumstances that require the strength to defend the defenseless. The Church herself, years ago, he agreed with the military intervention to stop the horrors in Kosovo. And certainly not to say if anything would be in the well in different parts of the world, oggigior no, some soldiers in more than f endesse Christians pursued you by satraps and regimes, from hatred and intolerance.
are the speeches of all time. Since its birth, the Church is known stars interpretation of the message. It was worthy witness the same San Fran Francis, that even among its divisions will come from very rough: first apply the rigid ion z literal and the Gospel, which even suggests val'assenza of cathedrals and mo nasteri, rules and hierarchical church, the other a more historicized and more realistic about, then open structures, rules and institutions. The centuries pass, but we are always the starting point. The weapons ever, the weapons some of the time. But even the bishop of Padua, in his rush pacifist, denying a real TY clear: everything we think of our soldiers, not that they are around the world to unleash tensions, violence, injustice and sopru you. If an item on this poor nation in tional collects the unanimous admiration, this is undoubtedly the human approach and fair, peaceful and moderate for our shipments.

lord, let it be said with the ta tut humility appropriate: continue to believe in its absolute ideals and defend its intransigent positions, but try to split them between the imperscrutabi political strategies and the role of our military. Perhaps re thinking about it, the funeral of the Mat teo Miotto will appear as a big opportunity lost. She was in the condition it to sweep away the rhetoric and simply recognizing the importance of death. It was not necessary to call him a hero. Only letters that Matthew has left written, a good bishop would certainly mind found the words to the ping as a boy ge Neros, clean, idealistic. A righteous man. More than a hero.

da "Il Giornale".


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