Prestiti Personali
Il prestito personale è un finanziamento non finalizzato all’acquisto di uno specifico bene o servizio: il cliente ottiene direttamente dalla banca o dalla finanziaria la disponibilità di una somma con cui, successivamente, potrà affrontare qualsiasi acquisto tipo di spesa familiare.
* Possono essere richiesti da tutti (dipendenti, autonomi, pensionati).
* Reimbursement by RID or postal bulletins can not involve the employer.
* Normally you do not have to justify the use of the sum.
* The interest rate is higher for the greater risk and fewer guarantees.
* Evaluation criteria are more stringent in order to contain the highest risk. *
not normally be funded bad payers, seized or protest.
purpose loans The loan is aimed instead a loan, usually at a dealer of goods and services (cars, appliances, travel, etc..) To defer the purchase price and the amount, unlike the personal loans, is paid directly to the seller who agrees to investigate the practice and send it to the budget which will consider the request.
* may be required by all (employees, self-employed, pensioners).
* The interest rate is usually lower a loan being finalized.
* is usually easier to get through the evaluation criteria less strict. *
not normally be funded bad payers, seized or protest.
* The amount granted is required to cover the price of the goods or services purchased.
Assignment of salary
The sale of the fifth is a loan has not been finalized guaranteed by the TFR and the cumulative insurance mandatory, it provides automatic payments through direct payroll deduction.
* E 'can grant amounts and durations greater than those normally granted for personal loans.
* Interest rate more favorable owing to the increased security.
* Can also be granted to people who have had protests, defaults or late payments.
* E 'can more easily accommodate requests for funding for private employees (remember that for civil servants, the employer is obliged to grant the request). *
involves the involvement of employer must issue the approval (and reimbursement, in fact, takes place through direct payroll deduction).
* Can only be requested by the employee.
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