Robydick now appears even in comic books ??...
Welcome back!
Who attends this blog for some time, certainly know the friend
Robydick .
of his friendship, when, alas, only virtual, I do it anyway ... so proud as I am glad to read his comments to the nonsense I write.
Although our acquaintances will be reduced to fill the spaces of a cool website, I know him more than enough to attest all my esteem.
His love of cinema than any obstacle: a daily good Roby sees two films and reviewed them in his blog.
Only recently, after reaching a personal goal
decided to "rest" and confined to a film per day.
work, fatigue, the obligations arising from a large family like hers, the little free time ... nothing can dent the determination that puts staff in performing its mission.
Being a lazy by nature, knower of all but an expert in anything, I can only admire people like Robyn, who have strong passions, passions with capital "P" ... if we are nice and funny like him , impossible not to love him.
Well, over this "harping" I felt, however, have to do as a necessary preamble to what I'm about to say, we are the reason for this post. Unlike the good
Roby, I'm not a great lover of cinema, however, are completely omnivorous and cannibalistic in the field of comics.
always buy and read it all without any special preferences ...
While I was dedicating this to my innocent and childish form of escapism, I could not help but think of our friend.
Or rather ... it is he who has been noted ...
Look at the following photos: there seems to be a perfect implementation of our Disneyana Robydick?
I knew of his great love for movies, but I never imagined that even the Disney designers are inspired by him! We have a friend
helluva guy!